Bram Moolenaar, the creator of the widely respected Vim code editor, has passed away at the age of 62. The family announced his passing in a heartfelt Google Groups message on August 5, revealing a sudden progression of a medical condition that had afflicted him.
He advertised his charity on every release, I’m sure they’d appreciate donations in his honor.
Man, I’m sad 😔.
I knew him personally (we worked for the same company at a point in time, although very different departments). I’m also a heavy vim user.
We once were in the same meeting where the unsuspecting meeting chair was taking nodes in emacs org-mode. Most of other meeting members were not geeks, so nobody knew who Bram was. I said “Bram, look at this, they’re taking notes in emacs just to piss you off”, to which he responded “yeah, and it is horrible…” 😁
Farewell and :wq