Wow. Maybe voting based on who is popular versus who can get the job done isn’t such a good idea. Good luck Argentina!
Not to support this madman but the whole purpose of democracy is that not everybody agrees on how the job should be done.
Apparently Argentinians decided this clown was their best bet. I have serious doubts but good luck to them.
Lol, the other option was the minister of economy of the last government. He was many things, but he was definitely not the one who could get the job done.
Totally. His idea of fixing the economy was literally “PRINT MORE MONEY”
Incredibly enough, the first thing Milei disassembled was the hyperinflation risk Massa left us with
Obviously inflation was going to raise. But now it’s decreasing
December inflation of 25.5% gave way to January’s inflation 20.5% and February’s inflation of 13.2%.
March’s seems to be lower still.
It’s literally the first time in years inflation has been going down 3 months in a row in Argentina.
Can’t argue with the results, his economic program is working.
That’s what and why the past governments state internal parasites are fighting so hard against the dude
They know if he gets inflation in lower single digits, he’s gonna get reelected for life
We had both single digit inflation and 3 months in a row with inflation going down last year, stop lying
Yeah that’s the reason why Massa and Alberto won the elections.
Oh wait they didn’t.
Thanks for replying like a zealot like y’all do, helps me prove my point.
For the uninformed, “VLLC” means “viva la libertad carajo,” which is the 3rd world variation of “MAGA” or “sieg heil” in this case, since the wanna be president yells that 3 times after his speeches.