Not only that. In South America, it is impossible to legally purchase digital Nintendo games. The only options are: overpriced physical copies (like, 2 or 3 times the original value), or create a US account (so, lying in the personal data) and buy prepaid cards online (also severely overpriced).
For some people, piracy is the only option.
“Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and… shine”.
I’m OK with that, as long as they keep their mouths shut.
Venir a un pais que recibe extranjeros abiertamente, con salud y educación públicas y gratuitas, y votan un nazi que odia los extranjeros, corta los servicios de salud y pretende cerrar las universidades.
Realmente de maravilla. Arruinaron el país.
Don’t bother, these right wing nazis don’t have a sense of humor.
Yeah, and the clown already did his cringe act, and they had to cut his mic and ask him to shut up and get back to his seat.
Different studies. INDEC measured 41% last December.
And 3D boobs in the 3DS.
Far-right activists from Argentina praise everything he says. The current president constantly talks about him like some sort of deity. It’s sickening.
I’ve had something like this happening to me a long time ago. While going from a city in Uruguay to a city in Argentina, Google Maps “suggested” a route that was 2 hours longer but took me through the ferry (a paid business). Even though I chose “keep my route” several times, from time to time, the suggestion popped up with a “time limit” to confirm. If I failed to notice it, the suggested route would be selected.
Why are you answering with a question?
He’s not. You’re talking to one of the many zealots they have. While they close important ministries like this one, they are spending all the budget in online paid trolls (and it is not even a secret).
In which way do you think it is working?
You don’t get to count last December inflation as last government’s. Did you forgot that the idiot cheered the value, saying that he “avoided a hyperinflation of 16.000%”? Last year was between 100% and 150%, this year will be way more than that. I know you may not like it, but that’s the truth. Sorry kid.
So basically, inflation was around 10% monthly with previous government. This one took it to 25%, destroyed salaries, increased unemployment and poverty, stopped education, science and health spending, and somehow, it’s good news that is still higher than before?
Tekken used to have more than half of the characters HIDDEN. Now they just sell them one by one.
Thanks for replying like a zealot like y’all do, helps me prove my point.
For the uninformed, “VLLC” means “viva la libertad carajo,” which is the 3rd world variation of “MAGA” or “sieg heil” in this case, since the wanna be president yells that 3 times after his speeches.
Used to love Nintendo, but I had enough of their bullshit a long time ago. Last straw was they closing South America eShop, which rendered my 3DS unusable (game cartridges are expensive here, and you mostly get old games).
Of course, I ended up jailbreaking the thing, but I never again thought about purchasing any of their products anymore.