It is kinda interesting you can see the way it spreads around water. English with the Atlantic Ocean to the East, French with the Mississippi & Ohio rivers, and Spanish with the Gulf of Mexico and eventually hitting the Colorado River
Hence why if Quebec split they should keep the name Canada and the other provinces should vote for a new name.
Canada is home to the largest French speaking population in the world that has never surrendered to Germany.
I think that is DR Congo. More french speakers than France.
Give Canada some respect, DR Congo didn’t even exist until after WWII.
More French speakers than Quebec, New Brunswick, and a smattering here & there in other provinces? The only other thing the French in this country have is poutine. The least we can do is give them this.
11 million in Canada. 72 million in DR Congo. It’s not even close.
It’s crazy how small people think Africa is, as if it isn’t the 2nd most populous continent with Nigeria on track to overtake the US in population by 2050. Africa is projected to meet the same population as Asia by 2100 (both are likely to separately have about 3-4x the population of every other continent combined)
Of course a country in the most populous section of Africa have more people who speak the national language than in Canada! Nigeria has like 4x the amount of English speakers of Canada, and Uganda & Egypt both have around the same amount as Canada.
Oh please, Ontario is just a polite and liberal mini-USA
if Ontario defines what “liberal” is, then we’re doomed.
Does Ontario only look liberal in comparison with Alberta?
They both look like three oligopolies in a trenchcoat.
Ontario politicians don’t show the same overt ideological capture that defines Albertan politics, but it’s there under the surface.
*Canada outside of Quebec and some parts of New Brunswick
true France is actually Cameroon
Baguette Baguette!
Mother bastard
Ahhhh the French
Mon très cher « La manœuvre Picard », bien que je partage absolument votre avis ; je me dois, à mon plus amer regret, de vous informer que vous avez irrémédiablement et royalement fucked up votre carte.
Viva la
FranceCanada🤢 Fr*nch “people” 🤮
You’re not on reddit no more, bud