Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad I don’t have to go to work for a few days. But I don’t quite get the same excitement for the weekend that I used to. I hope that you do! If so, how do you cultivate that feeling?
When you do this long enough, not having to work for a few days is all the reward you need to make Friday exciting.
Hello, fellow oldhead!
Nah, I have kids, there are no weekends
You gotta plan stuff on your weekends. Give yourself something to look forward to.
it’s more like relief, I get home and I instantly drop into bed all comfy knowing I’ll be snoozing late tomorrow.
Yes. It’s a shorter work day.
My schedule usually changes every few months and it’s happened often enough now that any day feels like Friday if I don’t have to work the day after.
I like my job, I don’t particularly look forward to the weekends relative to the week. Often I find long weekends are too long unless I have some major project for them and I start thinking about how I’m going to tackle work problems.
Every day is a work day. Weekends vs weekdays are meaningless constructs.
The firm I work for has flex scheduling, so I get a half-day every Friday. (Could be a 4-10 if I wanted, but I don’t want to do a 4-10)
I get all my chores done by 3PM on Fridays and then the entire weekend is my oyster.
It’s glorious.
I used to get the Saturday equivalent, but with my anhedonia, even lounging feels like a chore.
No, because after a Friday half the time comes the dreaded 13 hour shift which sucks my energy enough to not be able to do anything on Sunday.
Healthcare is a bitch sometimes.
I am usually exited to go back to work on Monday. However I look forward to two days of no meetings (just my timeline), waking up whenever I want and having brakfast at 10/11 or playing video games all day long.
So not excitement but just a general happiness.
Not really, but I will once spring weather rolls around. During the winter I just sit around all weekend wishing it was summer. I’ve been meaning to take up some winter sports, but it’s expensive to get into a new hobby, and I’m old enough that I’m probably going to get injured and then old enough that it’ll take forever to recover, so I’m not super motivated to start skiing. Maybe snowshoes will be okay, but I still need to buy a bunch of gear to do it and not be miserable.