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It’s long, but well worth the read.
True it is a long but I read the whole title.
Im not sure it’s completely true, it feels like throwing the baby with the bath water. Yes you get rid of YouTube, Reddit and other social media infested in ai generated content but there is value on those website. I looked at YouTube yesterday on how to do placoplâtre, just today I read interesting article on and sometime ago had interesting conversation here, and so on. If tomorrow I’m viewing computer generated article, talking with bots and viewing bot generated video i might as well quit internet completely and live like in the 90’s. It would be a setback, not improvement.
useful online videos aren’t going anywhere. That’s not what the article is saying at all.
it’s saying people will stop using free social media like twitter, facebook, youtube, etc… because of spammy bot generated content. Less people, less reason for youtuber to upload helpfull video or people providing educative content on other platform.
People will still upload videos, just not on those sites
To prove you’re not AI, say something racist!
The new Turing test is to have people explain how to make an IED
Said every AI overlord ever lol
Did you read the article? His argument seems to be that AI content will ultimately destroy the toxic social media platforms that attempt to leverage it.
Dude, it was a joke.
I did not. Thought the headline was funny.
No funny allowed.
Funny is allowed. But if funny is not funny, then it is nothing. And they were not funny.
But did you even read the article?