Honestly I kinda feel like an annular eclipse is prettier, but I’m still excited just for the rarity of the experience.
And who am I kidding? How often do annular eclipses happen either? I’m happy that EITHER happen near me lol
Edit 3 weeks later, after the eclipse: I take it all back - the difference between a sliver of visible sun, and totality, is worlds apart. It’s a totally different beast. It’s in a different league. It doesn’t seem like a big deal on camera, but in person it’s incomparable.
pictures cannot capture the ephemeral, indescribable beauty of the moments of totality
total eclipse wins every time
get effin HYPE
It is really the most magical experience a human can experience without drugs.
Annular eclipse isn’t a partial eclipse. It’s just like a total eclipse, but with a frickin ring of fire. How frickin metal is that?!?!
But I’d get hype for either, honestly.
that is pretty metal and sick, you’re right
the tradeoff is that the ring of fire means you can’t look directly at it even at peak totality…
but either is so friggin hype
I just saw the total eclipse today and I take back what I said. The difference between a sliver of sun, and totally, is crazy.
awesome!! I’m psyched you caught it and enjoyed it :-)
I didn’t realize the moon’s distance to the Earth varied enough to cause annular eclipses. I always wondered why we didn’t see more eclipses since the moon is revolving around earth monthly.
Not only that, but the Moon slowly gets further and further from the Earth so over time there will be more annular eclipses and fewer total eclipses
The moon also doesn’t orbit at the same plane as the earth around the sun, so sometimes it’s above the sun and other times it’s below