Graph break makes it look a lot closer than it is.
OK, but still, that slug was on that exercise wheel way more than anyone would expect a slug to be on one of those things
How so? I am but a peasant farmer and know little of the interpretation of graphs
the graph for mice on the left has a break between .10 and .80. see the little squiggly thing? if that break was not there, the mice bar would be wayyyy higher than the other bars.
I don’t think it’s meant to be misleading.
Oooooh shit yeah it really does make it look a little closer that it was! Still, nice to know the mice (and occasional frog etc) were having a nice time
I don’t think it’s meant to be misleading.
Have to disagree. These particular researchers have a long history of pro-slug bias - at any cost.
Where will it end?
As long as it leads to more representation for the shrew then it might be a good thing in the end
It looks to me as if 0.10 to 0.80 takes up as much vertical space as 0.01 to 0.02. They “yadda yadda‘d” the middle values because mouse was the only one that went that high.
This just reminds me that bumble bees will play with small wooden beads if they’re left out, mostly just rolling them about aimlessly and sometimes jumping on them because apparently they are amused by it rolling over with them on top of it.
Is this running distance? That’s a completely unfair metric for the slug.
The one snail “I dont get it, why’s everyone getting on this thing, its jus…oh god I’m sinking through these gaps! What devil made this contraption!!!”
Go snail!
Seems to be the video of the experiment:
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good hooman
Thanks for rating this human. I have updated this human’s score on a piece of paper next to my keyboard.
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This will become a new source for energy in the future.
I didn’t see the word wheel at first and was concerned
If you like to play with a good toy now and then, that says something about you.
Also consider, this toy involved no fantasies of mass murder.