I won’t be posting to lemmy anymore. I was using liftoff, and now that that’s dead I really can’t be bothered to learn another client. I post most of my content to my instagram now. If you are interested thats https://www.instagram.com/chamrsdeluxe
I also still post to reddit /u/marc815 (I know, evil) every now and then to a couple communities that just don’t exist here.
Good bye lemmy peoples. Really enjoyed sharing and discussing my outfits and armors and props with you guys!
I will check on this post for the next day or so at least tho to say bye to those who kept tabs on my stuff.
If this makes you sad, hopefully this can cheer you up.
I cant be bothered to look at Instagram so best wishes and see you on the flip side.
Fair. I never bothered with instagram until a few days ago. Never had a handle on social media like that.
So you are bothering with that shit instagram app and not another Lemmy app? lol.
Yes. It’s a pretty simple app, and as someone trying to break into doing more content creation and growing, it’s kind of a necessity unfortunately.
Aww, I’ve enjoyed seeing your armour evolve, it looks fantastic. I don’t do other socials, so this really is goodbye. Fare thee well, sirrah!
Ps: Jerboa is pretty nice.
Fare thee well!
o7 Your posts were a joy to follow! Best of luck and it’s great seeing the full suit in action!
Thanks! You can still see my stuff through my other socials tho. Take care!
Later man, gonna miss ya posts around here.
My instagram and reddit name are in the post. Hope to see you around there!
This wasn’t because of my kidnapping joke was it?
Like I thought it was really clever and now I feel really bad
Kidnapping joke?
What does a child sleeping and Charles Augustus Lindbergh have in common.
I do not know
Kid napping
Ooooo I remember now lol. That was funny.
Thank you, reading that made me feel better.
Sad to see you go
oh bye mark815
That’s just mean lol.