You don’t have to be profitable to have a desirable stock, but usually there is some promise of future profitability (like Tesla for most of its history.)
Who cares, we’re leaving an economy where no one cared about profitability. Just growth. It’s all about whether they can capitalize on that growth now.
Spotify was the same. Turned a profit the first quarter after shifting the focus towards profitability.
☠️Reddit has NEVER been profitable ☠️
You don’t have to be profitable to have a desirable stock, but usually there is some promise of future profitability (like Tesla for most of its history.)
Not sure what reddit has going for it, though.
I think Reddit will be Robinhood 2.0
It’s a bag pass/exit liquidity
It’s a ruse
OF thots?
This has never been necessary for an IPO.
Typically, IPO’s are nothing more than exit liquidity
Basically yeah. Cash-out time for the VCs.
Who cares, we’re leaving an economy where no one cared about profitability. Just growth. It’s all about whether they can capitalize on that growth now.
Spotify was the same. Turned a profit the first quarter after shifting the focus towards profitability.