woops…of course I meant that I exited the church. Here in germany we have to pay something called “church tax” unless you formerly adress that you exit the church. You have to fill out a form, have to go to the town hall, have a little talk with some guy about it and then you are finally good to go.
Fuck the pope. Glad that I already exited the Catholic Church a few years ago…
Exited? Or were you just a youngin at the time?
Most little boys seen to excite the Catholic Church
woops…of course I meant that I exited the church. Here in germany we have to pay something called “church tax” unless you formerly adress that you exit the church. You have to fill out a form, have to go to the town hall, have a little talk with some guy about it and then you are finally good to go.
This, is a real thing? Church, Tax.
That YOU pay?
I too was an altar boy, exciting the Catholic Church