Hey guys,
I’ve been building a frontend for restic the past couple of weeks, and it’s at the stage where the app is finally ready and usable. So I wanted to share it with the world. Oh, and it’s FOSS of course.
It’s intended to be used either as a cross-platform desktop app (built using wails) or to be run in a Docker container, for homelab uses, etc.
PRs and feature requests are more than welcome :-)
Right now, I could also use some help for distributing it across the different platforms, AUR, Flatpak, etc.
I hope you guys like it. Cheers!
I was literally looking for something like this today, neat.
Lol… looks like I just made it in time 😂
Amazing. I can’t wait to try this!
Are you aware of Backrest?
Didn’t know if you could provide a short comparison between yours and that.
Looking forward to giving this a try since i want to provide someone with a restic setup but make it easier on them.
I haven’t heard about Backrest until now… when did it come out? My initial research on restic GUIs was a few months back.
Only a month or two ago I feel. No worries- the more the better.
I’ll probably give both a spin. Thanks again for the project!