A lone voice of reason. Everyone wants to be lazy in November then expect the people who have no power to do something for them in March.
Talk about passing the buck.
A lone voice of reason. Everyone wants to be lazy in November then expect the people who have no power to do something for them in March.
Talk about passing the buck.
That and those servers are going to be running anyway. Powering a simple restaurant website is a grain of sand on the beach of internet usage.
Leave the one tong hanging out. Ie. Straddle the side. Assuming youre not one that cares about aesthetics.
Seems they’ll just keep making money on sync.
Two years old, switched to a new protocol, all open source, more recent security audits didn’t find anything, etc.
Yes that’s true.
But there are 90 million people who didn’t care if these people were in power either. I wouldn’t say those people have a moral compass either or we wouldn’t be here now.
And I support those people living in the fucking woods and never, ever making contact with anyone. After all, it’s their choice.
They don’t want to play by society’s rules then they can fuck right off out of society.
Bingo. They call for revolution from everyone but themselves.
Agree with you but I’ll also throw out- protests do fuck all here. Those in power ignore and then we move on with life. It’s just the truth.
Until you threaten their money or lives it won’t do shit and plenty of people are happy enough to hold signs and pat themselves on the back saying they made a difference.
It is. Im tired of people making excuses for the idiots in this country. Idgaf if you thought the Democrats were terrible- theyre clearly far better than these fascists. But enough people decided it wasn’t worth their time anyhow.
Fuck them and fuck all of us because this is who we are.
Not that I can see. I assume it’s just an aversion to anything Microsoft profits off of?
At most I think it’s hosted on azure. That’s it.
Not really. Personally I’d allow the service account running jellyfin only access to read media files to avoid accidental deletion but otherwise no.
Also, jellyfin docs have a sample proxy config. You should use that. It’s a bit more in depth than a normal proxy config.
Honestly really good. Like pumpkin pie but the oyster crackers tie it all together as that Chili flavor. Definitely a fan. But graeters basically does no wrong.
Don’t forget the camp.
And write a recap as youre going or right after you get back. You’ll recall it all reading it years later better.
It’s terrible. Surrounded by idiocy.
Yeah well, there were millions and millions who weren’t anti fascist enough to just get off their ass and vote one day.
I appreciate your determination but it’s wasted on us all sadly.
Except freedom of speech only applies to the government. You can’t yell from your neighbor’s front lawn either if they don’t want you to.
That said, the fact police were sent is BS.
They definitely allow you to use pgp with people not at proton via the web ui.