By that I mean randomly generated playlists. Based on either one or multiple tags, songs or artists. Finite or infinite.
Ideally it would allow combining local sources with remote ones for discovering new music. Thinking along the lines of audioscrobbler, Bandcamp and SoundCloud. Maybe one could even hook into Spotify’s API, of they allow that.
Does something like this exist? I’m currently running Navidrome and while it’s pretty and functional, it’s very much a classic Mediaplayer, that just happens to be a website.
Plex with a Tidal subscription. Treats tidal as if it is local in your library and seamlessly integrates with your own collection.
Listen with plexamp.
Holy crap. I have Tidal on my phone and Plex at home. I didnt know I could connect them. Thank you!
Question: if you get a Tidal subscription through Plex on the main/admin account, is it available for all users that have access to the music library? Or only for that main user?
This post has caused me to fall down a self hosting rabbit hole. Since reading it I have set up a navidrome server and I am starting to work on recommendation methods and acquisition methods to rebuild my library
post your findings after your are done
Will do, working through API connections to streamline some of the process.
How did you structure your library? Did you use lidarr?
Navidrome’s smart playlists can do some of this. You’re basically building filters for songs to be added to a playlist automatically though, it’s not as “smart” as Spotify.
Slsk,lidarr and either plex or jellyfin for plexamp/finamp. Other alternative is deemix but it requires paying for deezer if you want 320/FLAC
What a good timing, I was looking for a YT music replacement.
Navidrome seems like a good choice but is exactly what you’re are saying “classic media player with a webUI”. I like the convenience of YT music recommendations and all the music available even the music I don’t usually listen to. I would need a much bigger music library or a way to facilitate the music discovery and automate the downloads.
I know there’s is Lidarr to automatically download music but I read some people saying music naming scheme is a mess. So anybody has successfully replaced Spotify or YT music with Navidrome or similar? How is your setup?
I use lidarr in combination with these scripts for downloading.
Really nice set up, add music you want in lidarr and it just magically appears for you.
For front end I use plexamp like others have mentioned