Most American meme you’ve ever seen.
I wouldn’t tell anyone I won the lottery but there would be signs
Yeah after 25 years of zero dentist visits I have my first toothache this week. I’ll never financially recover from this.
edit: added hhs link
True, many have to resort to the following, quick search resulted in this article:
Dental Health: How To Find Dental Schools and Dental Assistance Programs [Lora Dodge | April 21, 2022]
Where can I find low-cost dental care? []
check out moneybags here with dental insurance
They’d be paying out of pocket with lottery winnings, I think you missed the point
With how dental insurance is done in the US, it’s almost the same regardless if you have insurance or not.
I’m not even American and they are the first things I would do if I won the lottery.
If I won the lottery, no one currently in my life would ever see or hear from me again.
If I won the lottery, I’d try not to really change much about my lifestyle. I’d work the same job, drive the same car. I’d pay my house off, but otherwise treat the lottery money as retirement and/or an emergency fund and earn some extra money off the interest (interest alone off a few million sitting in a money market account might be decent). Otherwise, I’d try to act like nothing happened, just live a relatively comfortable life, but still work, albeit with less stress.
There are rare instances where people don’t hate and despise their job and bosses. Rare, but in your case, it does happen. For the vast majority of us we’d afford nutritious food, get in to see a medical professional, and afford a home…while loud-quitting and telling the boss to fuck himself.
Hell no, my family would have an awesome xmas
You have FAMILY?
Well yeah. What else are you supposed to keep in the basement?
I haven’t won the lottery, and no one in my life sees or hears from me already.
So you’d do things that are free in half of Europe + shopping?
Dentist are still pretty expensive where I live (West Europe), if you need anything more than basic care, you will pay €€€ and insurance won’t pay much.
True, but at least, the focus is highly on prevention and check ups now, which are free, which should reduce the need for crazier stuff more and more.
I haven’t won the lottery and I already do all of these in the USA. My wife and kids go to the dentist as needed, as do I, and we go to the doctor anytime we need to. Our health and dental insurance are good, but we could still get medical / dental care without it if needed.
Is that a common dentist stance? I don’t ever remember one straddling my head in their crotch
Every one of OP’s friends - “Your smile is lovely! Can I borrow 10 grand?”
Finally getting my Luxury Bones fixed.
most of yall don’t need therapy and it comes off as weak that everyone jokes about it like you’re all broken.
this is why the conservatives will win. toughen up folks. i need yall to be ready.
EDIT - i see that lemmy is just as soft as reddit. it’s fine. ya’ll will be the ones with the boot mashing your face in, not me.
most of yall don’t need dentistry and it comes off as weak that everyone jokes about it like you’re all broken.
this is why the lions will win. toughen up folks. i need yall to be ready.
toughen up folks.
Common notion - until people need therapy themselves and realize it can hit everyone, also the “tough” ones.
there are absolutely people that need therapy. i just don’t think the majority of us do.
Lol do conservatives not go to therapy? Are you drawing political lines around health care?! Bro, go outside.
As a general rule, Conservatives don’t believe in mental health. Mental illness is thought of as a personal failing, and an issue to be solved by an individual “toughening-up”.
i don’t know because i’m not a conservative.
Everyone deserves therapy from time to time, some needing it more than others. Maybe consider not calling people weak for wanting or needing help. It’s normal and human.
i’m fine. i don’t need therapy. i doubt most of you do either.
I don’t doubt you believe that, but if it’s true you may be one of those who needs it a bit more. Cheers
Gotta pull yourself up by the boot straps