Marc Benioff
He’s the CEO and co-founder of San Francisco-based Salesforce, one of the world’s largest software companies, which owns the popular messaging service Slack and is worth nearly $300 billion. He also owns Time magazine.
When I ask Benioff about the properties in the anonymous LLCs, things seem to take a turn. He starts speaking more quickly and fidgets with a piece of paper in his hand. He’s reluctant to go through the holdings, and his adviser on the Zoom call jumps in to say we can discuss later.
A couple of days before the interview, Benioff texted the same NPR colleague again, asking for intel on my story. Then he called me and demanded to know the title of this piece. During that call, he also mentioned he knew the exact area where I was staying. Unnerved, I asked how he knew, and he said, “It’s my job. You have a job and I have a job.” During the interview, he brings up more personal details about me and my family.
I leave the meeting disconcerted and still unclear about what exactly is happening with his land in Waimea.
The following day, I drive around with a photographer to take pictures of the town and Benioff’s projects. We go to the property he described as a community center and are confronted by one of his employees. The photographer explains we’re there to take photos of the outside of the building. Shortly afterward, I get a text from Benioff. His employee seemed to think we were “snooping,” and he says he’s escalating the incident to NPR CEO John Lansing. Lansing confirmed he spoke with Benioff, without going into detail — the NPR newsroom operates independently, and the CEO is not involved in editorial decision-making. Benioff didn’t respond to my question about the purpose of this call.
Zuck did the same on Kauai
Unlimited money and still pulling shenanigans so that they don’t have to pay it to other people.
What’s worse is he bought the land that native Hawaiians got as their birthright, but said native Hawaiians were poor and desperate, so they sold it to him. They didn’t know that they were selling to one of the richest people on the planet who could afford to pay them more. I don’t think Zuck is well liked by the locals out there.
Fuckerberg isn’t liked by anyone.
They got wealthy by making smart decisions like these. They’re not trying to avoid paying a fair price, they’re trying to make sure they don’t get gouged when the buyers realize how deep their pockets are. I would challenge you to consider whether your statement was made with reason, or with a learned hate for those wealthier than you.
They got wealthy by having enormous incomes from their very luck-based positions in life, and continually exploiting people around them. Sure, they made some smart decisions along the way, but smart decisions alone don’t make a billionaire, and billionaires make stupid decisions all the time. Let’s not pretend they’re worth a hundred billion times more than everyone else because they’re a hundred billion times smarter. They’re greedier, less ethical, and often criminally malicious.
That is some serious cuckery right there. Why in the fuck would you want the world to be owned by people who can never be held responsible for who they destroy? They’re not going to love you. Ever.
The only reasonable way to deal with them is tax everything over $500 Million at 100%. NO individual should EVER have this much power.