I am not qualified to answer this, but I did once see a similar question asked on Reddit. The best response I saw was from a commenter whose name I can’t remember, else I would credit them.
That commenter said that his infant daughter had required an operation on her rectum. The commenter asked the surgeon how the surgery site could possibly not become infected and was told “the asshole knows how to handle shit.”
That answer seemed reasonable to me and I probably will never forget it.
A bidet helps. Gentle splash of water vs scratchy paper.
You might want to treat yourself to some better quality paper.
Wiping your ass with silk is still significantly more friction than water
Idk, water split the grand canyon, water sounds dangerous. /s
Big, if true
maybe less common due to adaptive immunity to familiar bacteria
could still happen. and stds are an obvious example.
Basically blood pressure keeps most things out, and you probably wouldn’t purposely rub a meaty turd in an open wound regardless. I hope.
What about a vegan turd? Heard everything vegan is healthier.
Yup. Oreos are vegan so it’s totally fine to eat an entire package for dinner! (I had a vegan friend who did this one time, and we were all joking about it being healthy because it’s vegan.)
Vegens don’t shit, they absorb 100% of the nutrients and produce zero waste products. They’re basically plant people.
Got it. Hypertension is good if you have hemorrhoids.
This is a genuine question I’ve wondered about a lot. Kudos for oddly realistic originality.
I’m in my 40s and never had hemeroids. Are they really that common? Or maybe I have and I didn’t know (but surely I would, right??)?
it’s sterile and I like the taste.