The mix-up "sounds more like a storyline from one of the 1980’s Police Academy comedies than what should be expected in a high-profile prosecution,” Biden’s attorney wrote.
Federal prosecutors mistakenly claimed in a court filing that a photo of sawdust they found while searching Hunter Biden’s electronics was cocaine, attorneys for the president’s son said Tuesday.
The sawdust picture was used in a court filing detailing incriminating information that prosecutors said they turned up while executing a search warrant of Biden’s laptop and electronics, but his legal team said in court papers that the picture was sent to their client by his then-psychiatrist as inspiration.
The picture shows three lines of yellow dust on a piece of wood near some other dust. The psychiatrist sent the picture to Biden in 2018, saying it was "lines of sawdust sent to me by a master carpenter who was a coke addict.”
Biden’s attorneys said the message and picture were “meant to convey that Mr. Biden, too, could overcome any addiction” and used the apparent mix-up to mock prosecutors.
The picture from the article.
Yes, that’s a table saw in the mirror. (Edit: or is that a picture frame? Whatever the picture has a table saw.)
Do those prosecutors think cocaine is light brown?
Considering the anti-drug propaganda they send to schools? Quite possibly.
Well, everyone knows cocaine is made from cacao beans!
Maybe by the time they get some it is
Maybe the really good stuff that they use is brown. Us plebs just get the white shit.
They could have said it was heroin… cause that can be brown but no, they say cocaine which is clearly wrong.
It could be tainted, I suppose
In all my partying I’ve never once snorted brown coke.
I’ve never done coke. Or even weed (never been interested.)
Even I would know that’s not gonna be a fun time. If I saw someone doing that, I’d be assuming their somewhere near rock-bottom and falling fast.
To be fair, the warm lighting in the pic isn’t doing it any favors.
This is true, but the “powder” is the exact color and consistency of if the sawdust under the saw.
Did they think Hunter set up 3 lines of very chunky, brown cocaine up on a table saw, then just dumped fucking kilos more on the saw and floor for funsies?
Well yea, what better place to hide it than in plain sight?! No one would even suspect it.
Hell, mix in a little sawdust for the perfect cover. Did anyone test that sawdust for cocaine content?! A-ha! Check mate,
atheistsDemocrats.Just saw a clip on Kimmel of Hannity after the sawdust thing came out still insisting that it is cocaine. Because “it’s arranged in perfect little lines.”
He actually asks, “does that look like sawdust to you?”
That’s how much they gaslight.
And it looks like sawdust. Damn that is dense.
If I were a prosecutor, I’d be pressing that question too – not a hard question to ask in the context of everything else on that laptop: admissions of smoking crack, videos of smoking crack while speeding etc.
Sorry… you still think that isn’t sawdust?
Have you ever seen cocaine? Even in a movie? How about that prosecutor?
Do you know what prosecutors do?
According to you, they ludicrously try to suggest a picture of what is obviously sawdust on a saw is cocaine. Because that is sure to win them their case.
And that’s why you’re not a prosecutor, just like those guys are just about to not be. And that’s not a joke, a mistake like this and your career is done. Who the fuck’s gonna want the sawdust cocaine guys
You do realize part of their job is to instill doubt, right? It’s not a mistake to push a narrative in a trial.
That’s kind of a cleverly composed photo actually…
Damn, as a woodworker I can’t tell you how many times we used to be talking or messing around in the shop and mindlessly making little lines of sawdust as if it was cocaine. None of us did cocaine, its just what you do when you have a large pile of dust in front of you.
I’m not even a woodworker and I did that with sawdust back in middle school industrial arts class. Like you said, it’s sort of a natural thing to do. Humans like organizing things, even if they aren’t actually able to be organized.