OKey, so that’s a bit concerning… I’d love to get my hand on this “bin” file, I cannot reproduce the issue on my side… Also the site should be HTTPS only. I had a bug with caching recently that showed the ActivityPub data instead of the blog post, could it be that ? Are you on mobile, and the browser cannot show JSON data properly so it tries to download it with a weird name ?
I’m not really a networking expert so I can’t make too good of a guess as to what happened. I’m on the latest Firefox mobile release on Android and was accessing from a Colorado IP. When I originally tried the site, nothing was rendered. It was a blank page or just a redirect for download. I didn’t download the .bin. I clicked your link twice before sending my message.
For a few weeks now, it’s been looking like this! (At the bottom there is a complete picture)
Plus a Orange Pi 3 as a DNS/Reverse Proxy server
Your link is not on https and asking me to download a .bin file. Extremely susEdit: link looks good now
The same thing happened to me when I first tried to go there, but it’s fine now.
OKey, so that’s a bit concerning… I’d love to get my hand on this “bin” file, I cannot reproduce the issue on my side… Also the site should be HTTPS only. I had a bug with caching recently that showed the ActivityPub data instead of the blog post, could it be that ? Are you on mobile, and the browser cannot show JSON data properly so it tries to download it with a weird name ?
I’m not really a networking expert so I can’t make too good of a guess as to what happened. I’m on the latest Firefox mobile release on Android and was accessing from a Colorado IP. When I originally tried the site, nothing was rendered. It was a blank page or just a redirect for download. I didn’t download the .bin. I clicked your link twice before sending my message.
Well, thanks for the follow-up anyway, I did some tweaks, and I hope it won’t happen again… I’ll see.