• Wanderer@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Do people even use the term young adult anymore?

    Infantising of adults I think is a huge issue we have in society.

    It was the case that 16 was defacto adulthood in years gone by. Now I hear people saying you aren’t an adult till 25 or 30! If there are 25 year old wandering around that aren’t adults it’s a failing of the parents and society.

    In school when we hit ~16 we got treated entirely differently, the teachers talked to us instead of parents, we was in control of our time. They joked with us. It really made me grow up because I got treated like a grown up.

    Same thing with scouts and rugby when I was younger, being pushed to be responsible made me grow. As eduction improves overtime we should be making more capable 18 year old not less.

    *when I use the term young adult I mean ~16. Apparently young adult can also mean 18-25 but I’ve never seen it used in that context before.