Just happened to me the other day at THE worst possible moment. I bought a new mainboard which needed a BIOS update to work with my new CPU.
Me of course being a cheapskate I bought the cheapest one with no Bios flashback. So I put the files on a cheap USB, start the upate and compleatly bricked the mainboard.
After that I plugged the USB back into my PC and the fking USB corrupted the files.
Luckily I managed to save the BIOS but absolutley lost it in that moment.
Just happened to me the other day at THE worst possible moment. I bought a new mainboard which needed a BIOS update to work with my new CPU.
Me of course being a cheapskate I bought the cheapest one with no Bios flashback. So I put the files on a cheap USB, start the upate and compleatly bricked the mainboard.
After that I plugged the USB back into my PC and the fking USB corrupted the files.
Luckily I managed to save the BIOS but absolutley lost it in that moment.
Value your time and sanity over pure monetary value. It seems like something Lemmy users seem to do the complete opposite of at all times.
Saving $1 on a flash drive could have cost $100 on a motherboard. Saving $20 could have cost you $100 buying another one.
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The flashdrive in case was a random merchandise gift thing. It worked previously and was just the first one in the drawer.
But yeah in the future I will defintly get something better.
Also I did learn how to directly read and write Chips on the mainboard so the time spent wasn’t totally wasted.