Tech Used to Be Bleeding Edge, Now it’s Just Bleeding | After a decade of scandals and half-assed product launches, people are no longer buying the future Big Tech is selling.::After a decade of scandals and half-assed product launches, people are no longer buying the future Big Tech is selling.
The entire article is just an ad for a blog that doesn’t exist yet… The irony is unbearable.
Crazy how many up votes this article has. It’s like everyone is just agreeing with the headline without even bothering to check.
Hahaha, damn, thanks for saving me the click and read.
No? It’s a cover page for an hour long podcast episode. Not that that’s much better, as I am certainly not going to set aside time for that, but it’s not “just an ad for a blog that doesn’t exist yet”.
Exactly, to the layperson they need an explanation about the AI-washing fad amongst others. It surprises me how many people don’t know about the Google graveyard. The Stadia launch is still fresh on my memory with how it was suppose to be the next major step forward.
When we hear about the next major step forward so many times…but as for this blog post, it’s almost as though they want to have the comments write the blog for them based on a superficial notion. Just like big tech.