I don’t think the IDs need sex on them. A name, a picture, a number, birthday, height and what sort of vehicles you are licensed to operate.
If it’s that divisive, remove the field. I do not have a women’s driving permit, I can drive the same things my husband can, it’s not used for anything related to its function. A picture gives more information on identity, then if someone transitioned they could go get a new one and it would identify them correctly.
Next up: Florida creates Women’s Driving Permit, only pink vehicles and engines below 120cc. Men on the other hand need a vehicle greater than 150cc with a hood high enough to no longer need to see children, as that is women’s business.
I don’t think the IDs need sex on them. A name, a picture, a number, birthday, height and what sort of vehicles you are licensed to operate.
If it’s that divisive, remove the field. I do not have a women’s driving permit, I can drive the same things my husband can, it’s not used for anything related to its function. A picture gives more information on identity, then if someone transitioned they could go get a new one and it would identify them correctly.
Next up: Florida creates Women’s Driving Permit, only pink vehicles and engines below 120cc. Men on the other hand need a vehicle greater than 150cc with a hood high enough to no longer need to see children, as that is women’s business.
Doesn’t have to just be gender, trans people often change their name too as part of the transition. Also sex =/= gender