Amazon CEO tells staff to work in office three days a week or look for another job::Almost 30,000 workers signed petition against return-to-office mandate in May

    1 year ago

    I’m actually glad the veil has lifted and the owners are no longer trying to obfuscate their sociopathy behind jargon and buzz terms. They feel they’ve gained enough hard power to finally say what they mean: dance like good little wage slaves, or we’ll throw you away.

    Maybe some of these true believers who always thought they were one of the owner class’s favorite little wage slaves will finally understand what they are under this rigged economy: expendable livestock.

    Probably not most, but if we can chip away at any of the self-hating house peasants that defend their masters against their own interests, that’s progress. The owners are the common enemy, and they are small in numbers, but they maintain power though their army of true believer deluded suckers dumb enough to believe their doting service will get them into the little club one day.

    Without that legion of sucker peasants, the owners become vulnerable. Keep antagonizing your livestock, Assholes. Fuck around out of ego and find out, pretty please.