I wouldn’t really call myself a distro hopper, but in the last few months I’ve had to do some fresh installs on a couple of machines and VMs for work
If these aren’t included by default, I’ll make sure to get em:
- Firefox & Chromium
- Gimp & Krita
- VSCode/VSCodium
- Okular
- Libre office
- git
- wget&curl
- neovim
- zsh/ohmyzsh + plugins
- glow
- neofetch
- figlet/toilet
- zellij
- python
- nodejs/npm/nvm + nodemon globally
- ranger/rifle
Also, how do you go about migrating your old config and rc files? Start fresh or just copy em over and make adjustments where necessary?
Step 1: install Debian 12 today, Step 2: upgrade to Debian 13 when available, then Debian 14, Debian 15 and so on… that’s the only hopping one should.
I always need
- LibreWolf (privacy-focused Firefox fork)
- Some nice terminal emulator like Alacritty or Kitty
- A torrent client
- Emacs
- Strawberry (the music player)
- fish shell
- bat
- neovim
- fd
- fzf
- zoxide
- Some other Rust alternatives for GNU coreutils
- fun stuff like neofetch, lolcat, asciiquarium, cmatrix, etc.
Another fish and modern Unix user 🫶
PS. Try out lsd if you haven’t already - a nice ls/eza/exa replacement.
I absolutely forgot about lsd, I used to use exa but recently I switched to lsd, it’s fantastic.
- fish
- tmux
- sshfs
- htop
- nmap
- distrobox (haven’t tried this yet but looks amazing)
- zfs (and any utilities that go with that)
- sanoid
- syncoid
- tailscale
- snapper (if using btrfs)
As far as config files go, I haven’t gotten around to automating those so I usually search my nas for old ones and copy/paste what I need
First I install home-manager, then home-manager installs and configures everything else I’ve added to my config over time
Any issues with home manager?
I’ve not had any but I’m using NixOS, have yet to try it on other distros. (though it supports other distros)
Nothing. I just install what I need when I need it.
Meaning that your distro of choosing comes with most of the stuff bundled in…?
No, I’m just a fan of lazy initialization.
Use Ansible for package installations and configuration, and a git repository & GNU stow for dotfiles.
Oh, this is a flipping great question. So much fun as I’ve just settled on one distro. M$ won’t allow me to transfer my transferrable Windows license and I refuse o pay yetagain for Windows so Linux is my sole OS from now on. I have had so many weird issues or configuration woes with a ton of OSs ive been trying. So I tell ya, I sure have installed my fair share of them in the last month or so.
- Steam (Gotta get my game on)
- ProtonPlus
- Lutris
- Heroic
- Winetricks
- Protontricks
- Brave
- Bitwarden(Probably the second most important software in my life)
- Authy
- Krusader (No idea why but Ill use this before the built in file manager sometimes)
- Plex htpc
- Kate - Notepadqq (havent decided which one i like best yet)
- PolyMC
- LibreOffice
- Flatpack (I always prefer the native package but flatpack has almost anything the repositories lack)-
- Appimagelauncher (Just for ease of use, appimages are a always third fiddle but are a great backup as flatpacks can be - limited in available software compared)
- Gimp (Almost exclusively because the name makes me giggle)
- OBS Studio
- MC (100% always the first this I ever install no matter what)
- HTOP (Not standard in all as many distros as i would think)
- Openssh
- Cifs-utils
- Starship
- Zsh
- Neofetch
- Tmux (Cant live without it)
Of course there are tons of other small things I add but those are the ones I will have installed likely before I go to reboot for the first time. The rest of what I interact with is generally running on my server so it’s all web based stuff for the most part. I use VNC often to interact with virtual machines, do tech support for my son so i don’t have to get up (disabled). I haven’t really found a Linux VNC client i genuinely like. I used to use TightVNC with Windows and it’s about the only thing I miss. I do have a Guacamole docker running on my network but unless you have a physical KB/M it’s less than preferable to use. I’ll find something I like eventually I’m sure. 👍-----
- helix
- ranger
- mpv
- YouTube-dl
- epy
- fanficfare
- aria2
- zellij
- gotop
- qutebrowser
- zathura
Just a heads up, yt-dlp is a far more active fork with more features.
This is true, has mpv started working with it? The reason I have it in the first place is to stream Lofi /synthwave/jazz audio via mpv rather than specifically for downloading. Back when I’d last looked, mpv needed the old fork specifically, but if they’ve updated I’d be more than happy to switch
It should switch to it automatically now, but you can try the manual flag if it doesn’t.
If neither works, symbolic linking yt-dlp and youtube-dl should.
Strawberry, qBittorrent, neovim
cherrytree If I could only install one program it would be this,
Nvidia proprietary driver
Docker Engine (Portainer, AdGuardHome, LibReddit, Nitter, Invidious)
Install and tweak Firefox setup
Steam Client
Gnome extensions
Gnome Shell Theme and Icon themes
Nextcloud Client
- Yay
- Nano
- Mullvad VPN
- Mullvad browser
- Keepassxc
- Blue.sh
- Rtorrent-ps
- Steam
- Freetube
- Ranger
I have an auto installer for arch based distros that’ll automate installation of yay then grab a text file with a list of presorted applications from github and auto install them as well as my sway, waybar and bashrc scripts.
Very clean and easily deployable with git then sudo bash ~/autoinstaller
Auto correct :/ *ble.sh and it adds more functionality to bash
- GnuCash
- Firefox
- aptitude
Apart from what you mentioned:
- Steam
- Darktable
- cmatrix (very important)
- pfetch
- vim
- Hugo
- clipboard manager
I think that’s about it!
Idk if it is distro hopping because I have been trying distros on my main system and usually for months at a time. It’s messy but I have a separate filesystem for /home and hope my current rc files don’t bork up whatever I’m running next. The transition from Cinnamon to Gnome went poorly for a while.
I should probably automate the must have packages.
Some applications are not packaged so I install ~/.local, e.g. Arduino, Eagle, Minecraft, etc.
Packages… Hm. Direnv is all I can think of. I just use the system until something is missing, curse briefly, and install it.