Is this a common problem? I’ve almost never had a burrito fall apart on me unless it outright rips–I once made the mistake of ordering a burrito in Scotland, and that was pretty formless, but it was also less a burrito and more an embarrassment hiding under an ill-fitting tortilla.
That’s easy for you to say, but some of us like burritos and live in Europe!
And yes, you CAN get good Mexican food here. Nowhere near as good as in the US near the border, of course, but MUCH better than in the worst US places for it like idunno, North Carolina or Alaska or some such 🤷
For me, I tend to overstuff my burrito innards. As a result, I’m not able to fold in the ends over the heaping pile of innards so this tape would actually help me get that coveted wrap action without making me address my lack of self control.
I know next to nothing about Hispanic food in general, but I’ve gotten a few food truck burritos in southern California and it opening was not on my list of concerns.
Is this a common problem? I’ve almost never had a burrito fall apart on me unless it outright rips–I once made the mistake of ordering a burrito in Scotland, and that was pretty formless, but it was also less a burrito and more an embarrassment hiding under an ill-fitting tortilla.
My general rule of thumb is that I don’t eat Mexican food in places where there aren’t many Mexican people.
Yup, made that mistake once while living in Vermont many years ago. As someone who grew up in socal, it was brutal.
That’s easy for you to say, but some of us like burritos and live in Europe!
And yes, you CAN get good Mexican food here. Nowhere near as good as in the US near the border, of course, but MUCH better than in the worst US places for it like idunno, North Carolina or Alaska or some such 🤷
Waited all summer for the Mexican place in Gardiner to open when I worked in Yellowstone. Gardiner is on the border with the park.
Anyway, myself and two friends, all of us from Texas, were very vocally disappointment. It was so bad. The pizza place was great though.
Mission style burritos aren’t particularly Mexican, though. But they also shouldn’t be particularly hard to eat.
For me, I tend to overstuff my burrito innards. As a result, I’m not able to fold in the ends over the heaping pile of innards so this tape would actually help me get that coveted wrap action without making me address my lack of self control.
I know next to nothing about Hispanic food in general, but I’ve gotten a few food truck burritos in southern California and it opening was not on my list of concerns.