I have started listening to random American city council meetings lately for white noise. Since they’re all bureaucratic-flavored boredom anyway.
I have started listening to random American city council meetings lately for white noise. Since they’re all bureaucratic-flavored boredom anyway.
BTW - For anyone with F-Droid, I highly (highly) highly recommend Noice
It has:
Back in University I used it to sleep right through a massive party my roommates threw when I had a midterm the next day. 10/10 app
Just installed. This is sweet as hell.
I was kind of surprised that Office was one of the noises you could play. I would probably have work nightmares falling asleep to that.
Does it have creamed spinach noise? (“Creamed spinach” refers to the color used in the DMG Game Boy’s screen, as Sega referred to it in one of its Game Gear commercials)
This app was fully offline previously. Now with premium thing they removed it and i cannot turn of my mobile data to sleep. So this ruined the whole experience for me.
Shitty roommates. :(
On one hand, yea, on the other, #worth. They were great overall - Sometimes you gotta take some losses and some wins.
How battery intensive is it? I tried sleeping to a brown noise audio file in a normal music player app (Music Player Go) and my phone ran out of battery before my alarm went off, causing me to oversleep 😬
It used to be bad on the battery, but then it became a super big focus and now it’s great.
Yay! Gonna try it out for sure, then!
If you’re the kind of person that plays on their phone to fall asleep, get a 10’ cable so it can be plugged in while you’re doing whatever you do before sleeping.