Hi, I’m Lemuria

  • 8 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I understand why you feel that they are “phishing questions”, but:

    1. The question was using Katrina as an example to further convey what it was that I was asking about.
    2. Someone replying to the question could have not provided a name at all; only their feeling about having the same name.
    3. With eight billion people on Earth, there are bound to be hundreds of thousands of people with that name, making any form of tracing highly difficult and impractical.

  • I’ve gone on goose chases all over the internet and done “dormancy investigations” of sorts in ways similar to you (though I’m unsure how similar exactly). I have a wiki on my own computer where I store the findings of these investigations alongside other unrelated things.

    I’ve spent a lot of time trying to develop roleplay contexts to understand people that make and seek out connections like this or various other ways.

    What exactly do you mean? On my “dormancy investigations” I have a rule for myself where I only lurk, read, and dig - I do not try to contact the person, ever. Though before I set this rule for myself - I remember actually reaching out to one of them and got a positive reply but I probably got lucky on that one, not chancing things now.

    I struggle most to understand boundaries that other people have. I try not to pry, […]

    Yup, I just try to dig through the Wayback Machine or what’s left of the website, to me, trying to contact the person or asking anyone who may be related to the person who the person is, is “prying”.

    And I suppose that I just have a nostalgia of the Internet that was. The internet of the early 2000s. I was not alive when the 2000s Internet was at its peak; well not old enough to know how to use a computer let alone even read. So… I don’t really know what else I can say.

  • I’m really big on indie musicians too, can relate. One indie musician I found had their last release in March 2024. YouTube put one of their in my feed from 8 years ago (which made me investigate). I told another indie musician I know about the person and it turns out that they have cancer. They are still alive and battling it, and I really hope they get better soon.

  • TLDR: My optimistic view of what human culture could be like is summed up pretty well by the Orion’s Arm project.

    I am familiar with the Orion’s Arm universe, a hard sci-fi transhumanist worldbuilding project… shall I recommend you take a trip through the Wormhole Nexus to the Sephirotic Empires where you’re ruled by benevolent S6 transapient dictators (supercharged AGI)? Because you’ll see a fuck ton of entities playing around like retirees. You’ll see “aliens” which actually are just extremely genetically modified humans. In fact, here (https://orionsarm.com/eg-topic/45b177d3ef3b1) is their “Culture and Society” page, which sums up a lot of my optimistic OA-based beliefs in a human culture.

    Oh, and most Terragens (humans + any life that can trace its origin back to Earth) live in orbit. Story goes that we made an AI system that decided we humans were bad for the environment and then told us to get the fuck off Earth (Great Expulsion).


    My (hopeless) attempt at explaining some of the terms:

    • Wormhole nexus - OA’s primary method of “faster than light” travel. You never go faster than light, but rather some transapient figured out how to fold spacetime and now you have a hole where you can throw your ships in and have them on the other side.
    • Transapient - Post-singularity entites that are orders of magnitude smarter than us. An ant can’t fully understand a human. It is incapable of understanding what Lemmy is, what a job is, what the Fediverse is. Just as an ant can’t fully understand us, humans can’t fully understand transapients. Oh and transapients come in 6 levels. We’re all S0 on the scale. S6 are pretty much gods.