They do this all the time. Maybe Biden should call their bluff, execute his powers as Commander in Chief, and order the National Guard in Texas to turn on State Police.
We’ll have to arrange some kind of post wwII Berlin level air campaign to support Austin.
Every 15 minutes a C130 land fully stocked with Trader Joes Chili lime rolled tortilla chips, apple cider, and Joe’s O’s.
And drop brown bags filled with shit on Ted Cruz and Albots property on the way back. Time management maximized.
And drop brown bags filled with shit on Ted Cruz and Albots property on the way back. Time management maximized.
Get this person a position in the DLA, we’ve got bags of shit to drop.
Honestly, Ted Cruz stood before a podium this week and give a speech against the insanity of adding more Razorwire, mentioning that is has done nothing to prevent growing immigration numbers since they started putting it up. Fuck that guy, for real, but on this particular issue he is on our side.
And Telecaster guitars.
And to keep the pro secession people away: Offer Shiner beer at Wal-Mart for buy one, get one 50% off 12-pack.
Please, leave. Don’t come crying to us the next time your electrical grid gets overwhelmed.
Hey! Y’all used to rely on us to kick-start y’all’s power grids! Back in the '70s and '80s! Back when racism and cocaine reigned supreme!
Now y’all are all like, “ew, why is that racist coke-head talking to me?” Well, it’s cuz you’re woke or something!
Hey! Listen to me and stop walking away! Why are you taking our American flags?? Hello?
Speaking of power grids, have fun trying to keep yours maintained once you secede, Texas. It barely works as it is now.
I bet it’ll run just fine on thoughts and prayers. Good luck to you, ya Yankee heathen!
Oh shoot, my lights ran out of thoughts — gotta switch to the backup prayers…
I’m in favor of calling the bluff, but leave it peaceful:
- Army bases remain US army bases and the national guard remains US. Texas must raise its own military without any US military equipment. Existing US servicemen must resign if they wish to join the Texas military, and will be treated as foreign army – they must leave US bases.
- Any companies headquartered in Texas will be considered foreign companies and subject to all relevant taxes and laws. Employees will be considered employed by foreign companies. Any subsidizes and other credits to these companies are forfeit.
- Employees of the state government will be considered foreign state agents.
- Trade deals must be negotiated with the US. Any US facilities providing goods and services, like water or energy, will now charge a fair market rate.
- Texas must renegotiate trade with other countries.
- For the first five years, Texas and the US must allow people to freely move out of or into Texas. If any Texas resident wishes to live as a US citizen, Texas must pay for their relocation.
- After that, or if they choose to renounce US citizenship, Texans are considered foreigners and will be treated as illegal immigrants if they enter the US without proper documentation.
- Texas universities lose all US accreditation. Current Students may transfer to a US university at no cost, and have their existing credits recognized. Texas will pay for any moves. New students from Texas will be considered foreign students and applicants for admissions and tuition at US universities.
- Any attack on US people or property or facilities will be seen as an act of war.
- Texas senators and house representatives are expelled from Congress.
They’ll be crying and begging to rejoin the US within a month. They’ll be a fourth world hell scape within a year if they don’t.
So, basically brexit then.
TexBrex; like texmex but worse.
Obviously Texit
Clearly a better name but it didn’t work for the texmex angle.
Let’s not forget the $53,000,000,000 they would instantly lose from federal funding
There is still the matter of the Constitution saying that states can’t do that.
Let the Republican controlled supreme court rule it illegal.
I say let them leave, make PR the 50th state, and then immediately invade Texas and turn it into a territory of the US.
Does Texas have oil?
Yes. We must liberate Texas.
Like so much I think this is the reason these buffoons want to succeed. Then they can claim it as their own.
Texas immediately becomes the newest Narco-State, gets it’s own CIA coup and Democrats refuse to make them a state again, forcing them to be a territory.
Its* own CIA.
Biden has immunity. He should just order seal team 6 to execute Texas political leadership.
I really want for someone to call it out and be like “OK, FINE, SECEDE. GO AHEAD!” and just watch the idiots back down.
It needs a catchy name, maybe something like “Texit?” Get that on the ballot, see what happens
Go ahead. Seceded states don’t get electoral votes.
Probably the best example of irony you’ll ever see: Texas becomes SAFER when illegal immigration increases. Sauce:
I don’t get why Biden doesn’t do this. The fear is abott will say government over reach and that will be a talking point for the election? How about strong father figure, who enforced the law to keep us united?
You can’t let what Republicans say dictate what you do
No matter what Biden does, they’re going to do what they’re going to do.
Even if he doesn’t do the right thing now, they’ll just lie some more and do it anyways.
“Meet me in the middle,” says the unjust man.
You take a step towards him. He takes a step back.
“Meet me in the middle,” says the unjust man.
— A. R. Moxon
I see you’ve negotiated with Republicans before.
Malignant narcissist parents. I got started early.
I guess the flip side of that though is it’s really past when everyone should keep trying to reason and compromise with these screaming toddlers. How many times now have we seen this exact thing play out where Republicans act completely unhinged and Democrats treat them with kid gloves and keep offering them compromises and trying to appease them. Fuck em. Ignore them until they cross the line, then come down on them like a ton of bricks. No more playing nice, no more treating them like reasonable adults. Wait until Abbott puts his name on something legally incriminating then send the FBI in to haul him to a jail in DC and try him for sedition. Bonus points if they can swing the death penalty.
Fuck em. Ignore them until they cross the line, then come down on them like a ton of bricks. No more playing nice, no more treating them like reasonable adults.
Damn straight! As a parent to an actual toddler, sometimes I have to take my son’s toys away until he chooses to behave. Does that make me the “bad guy”? Maybe. But it’s also part of being an adult.
I mean, have you ever tried to sink to a toddlers level and get in a screaming match with them?
But sure, ideally we’d start running FDR style Dems again, get some of the 1/3 of the country who doesn’t vote regularly, and conservatives can keep screaming into the void while Dems sweep every election that matters.
FDR literally only lost two states in 36, because he was legitimately trying to help the average American.
But the DNC is very open about not wanting that, and after NH I really think they’d go as far as ignoring results in a competitive primary in 2028.
So we’re kind of stuck with trying to win over conservatives, that’s the only direction the DNC recognizes as valid.
I’ve given up on winning the game, I’m just trying to lose as little as possible at this point. Definitely doesn’t mean I have to like it either.
But the choice is try what we can or check out and watch it all burn down, I’m not ready for that yet.
My bad, I didn’t realize what you replied to.
I’m saying don’t pay attention to what Republicans are threatening to do.
Regardless of what Biden does, they’ll find an excuse to do it anyways. Because when Republicans try to explain why they’re doing anything, they’re almost always lying and just saying what they think the best answer is in the moment.
So Biden should have activated them immediately on title 10.
The longer he waits, the bigger chance a significant amount don’t listen. And at that point it’s a legit civil war.
No matter what Biden does, they’re going to do what they’re going to do.
Ah, another Innuendo Studios fan, I see. Yes, just like he said in “Alt-Right Playbook Ep. 3, ‘You Go High, We Go Low’”,
Republicans are going to cry “So much for the tolerant left!” no matter what form our opposition takes, so the obvious solution is to just ignore them. But clearly it’s more complicated than that, or we wouldn’t be having this issue.
This business with the border is another example of them going low, and Biden and Democrats trying to keep the moral high ground.
Fuck that.
The high ground is fighting fascism.
Lincoln tried apeasment leading up to Civil War 1 and all that did was give the South time to build strength.
We just saw how bad of an idea it is to crush an insurrection slowly. And there are shit ton of examples of how well appeasing extremists works worldwide.
As soon as Abbots letter came out, Biden should have activated them under title 10, had them remove any remaining razor wire and the rest of the bullshit. If Abbott tried to move cops or a “militia”, then everyone involved should be arrested for sedation.
This isn’t normal republican bullshit from a decade ago.
This shit is as serious as conservative extremists make it. Giving in a little just emboldens them, and ignoring them does the same thing.
I say this as a veteran of the US military:
There’s a shit ton of US active military who would be willing to overthrow the government for some conservative bullshit.
We can’t underestimate them. Even if they’re idiots, they’re dangerous idiots.
I constantly tell Democrats this, and am constantly met with childish accusations of overreaction.
This country is completely fucked for the simple reason that there is literally no left wing. There is nothing to counter the unjust and illegal maneuvers fascists deploy that democrats are willing to use. It’s pathetic.
The Alt-Right Playbook is one of the best video essay series on YouTube 
You gotta counter with a “sure, but here are fair terms and conditions to have a clean break with the US”
I think they’ll turn tail when corporations realize they’ll be treated as foreign unless they relocate outside of Texas.
Lone Star is a review.
Only because they force you to give one star at least.
Ok bye.
No, not “bye”.
Ok, leave!
Don’t want to be part of the Union? Fine. Get the fuck out.
Yeah but like leave America, not Texas. That’s ours. Leave to Russia or some other authoritarian shit hole.
Yeah, that was implicit.
So they can return to their rightful owner Mexico…right? Right…? 🥺🥺🥺
I’m ready to beat the conservatives in Civil War 2, tbh. It sounds easier to deal with them now than watch the slow decline of the USA.
A second civil war would look nothing like the last one.
It’d look more like the Troubles in Ireland; with lots of terrorist attacks rather than well-defined battles. It would be neighbor-on-neighbor violence. A bunch of small paramilitaries running around ganking everyone else.
Republicans overestimate their own size. They’re not the 46.8% of Voters who voted Trump in 2020, they are a fraction of the 22.09% of total Americans. They will be crushed by the overwhelming nonpartisan majority in the case of open warfare.
While my heart sinks for the effected families, there has never been an easier time to uproot your life and leave Texas, Florida, or anywhere else. I myself have been planning to leave North Dakota for several years now.
Guess the point I’m trying to make is that any civil war that breaks out in the us is going to be a fucking bloodbath. There won’t be territory, or battle lines to get on the right side of (or just away from). There won’t be any where for civilians to go. Every city will be engulfed in insanity.
Nobody wins. It doesn’t matter who comes out in control, there will be no winners. Only death, destruction.
It’ll be chaos, and then it’ll be martial law. When there are no clean sides, no obvious distinction or front lines, entire cities/regions become internment camps. Everyone is suspect. Anyone could be one of them.
Scenes like this;
Persons with last names starting from CH to DO have the next 2 hours to do their weekly shopping, anyone without correct identification, displayed on their chest, is subject to arrest and indefinite imprisonment. Resistance will not be tolerated, try, defy and it’ll be the last time. Don’t be a hero, citizen, c’mon, keep the line moving. No talking to those not in your party. Don’t wander off the yellow line or the autosentries will turn you into a hazy pink mist. BRRRRAPP
If America balkanizes (cuz if we split, it won’t be into 2 it’ll be into several) there will never be peace in North America in any of our lifetimes. Those who are chomping the bit for it might do well to remember that of all the multipronged wars in history I don’t think there’s been a single one that was won by any of the original starting factions. So whomever is around at the beginning, that side, all those sides, have already lost. We just don’t know what terror will be birthed from their corpses that finally takes over.
But I also don’t think they have the resources to maintain martial law everywhere.
I realize I’m the asshole for saying this, but we will have culled weakness from the herd by engaging with the traitors in combat, and the suffering there as a result very well may be lower than the suffering incurred by letting them continue their insanity for decades to come before they inevitably die off due to generational progress.
The real question is basically whether the pain is endured by us all or only their less fortunate targets. I am not afraid to share the suffering.
Wow, you actually said that.
Imagine if more people stood up against the Nazis in the same manner. Do you think the Germans’ slow cascade into madness was a better alternative than war in the streets?
Because the Nazis totally just started with a civil war. If that’s what had happened, Nazis Germany would have collapsed in on itself, and not been able to do what they did. a hypothetical second US civil war is not even close to the same thing.
The inadequacy complex is strong with Texas.
Maybe getting a bigger set of truck nuts would help them self-sooth their short man syndrome?