I’d add some fuel injector cleaner. The fuel injectors might be gummed up and when it gets to low rpm it starves the engine of fuel.
I’d add some fuel injector cleaner. The fuel injectors might be gummed up and when it gets to low rpm it starves the engine of fuel.
He’s always bragging about how he’s the greatest. Did you forget the episode where he built a giant statue shouting “Remember me!” ?
This is correct. Leave this shit out of work. I agree with OP but I don’t want to talk about religion or politics at work.
I wish I had time to play outlands. I tried it a while ago but couldn’t make enough progress.
Found a Kraken in Ultima Online. Thought it was rad and didn’t know how to spell it as an 11 year old.
We had one of those in Southern California and we would go up in it to smoke weed in college. Good times.
Use mullvad. Pay with a fresh crypto wallet. And use Usenet.
Same not paying a dollar if they do that shit. I’d rather become a patron of the channels I like.
“I’m just sayin’” ok but you’re still an asshole.
They still have bonds in Osrs so some of the bullshit is still there, but yes it’s much much better than RS3
High speed rail (USA)
Hope this is sarcastic, if not you make a hole in the melon.
Coat some raw chicken wings with it then air fry the suckers. Makes an amazing wing.
I get it, I played Warframe a fair bit and the beginning is pretty one note. The game really opens up at some point but it’s very far from the beginning. Not very friendly to newbs and it is a very very grindy game.
I hope you’re a troll. That’s just next level stupidity to be real.
BLP. Bacon Lettuce Peanut butter. It’s like a BLT, but I hate tomatoes.
Use your teeth.