hi all, i tried installing through apt and got an older 0.6.4 and i tried installing through an appimage but for some reason nvchad didnt accept it. also what is nerdfonts and is that the default for linux mint? been at this for an hour and am very confused
i’ve installed neovim with nix package manager on mint.
Available as flatpak https://flathub.org/apps/io.neovim.nvim
flathub is old, also nvchad wont work with it (or at least idk how. same with doom emacs for emacs)
Last release wad 25 days ago
Throw it in an arch distrobox and export it
There’s a PPA for neovim, currently at 0.7.x : https://launchpad.net/~neovim-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/stable Oh, sorry, I see NvChad wants 0.9.4 and Nerdfonts (Though not a hard requirement : https://docs.rockylinux.org/books/nvchad/nerd_fonts/).
https://launchpad.net/~neovim-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/unstable -> 0.10.x
what is nerdfonts and dies linux mimt have it
According to that article mentioned in my earlier comment you won’t need the nerdfonts.
whats a ppa and why does it take so long for apt to update its stuff
Ubuntu uses LTS with five year support, which is why they like to keep a lot of software versions back. Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu I think. PPA is something you can add to Ubuntu or Ubuntu based Linux distributions to have newer or specific software repositories as extra on your system. Here’s a guide on PPA : https://itsfoss.com/ppa-guide/
I use bob. It’s a version manager for Neovim.
Hi Bob.
Sorry I had to do this reference from “For All Mankind”
Try installing it with nix