Two-thirds of Americans say AI could do their job::Advanced artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT have sparked fears that the new technology could soon replace many careers, and workers believe it, according to a new survey.

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    AI today, or actual AI someday? And do they need to do the job well, or just at all?

    I also wonder how many of these people are open to the idea of UBI when brought up in the context of AI replacing the majority of human labor.

  • @[email protected]
    85 months ago

    AI/automation could replace almost every job- but at a higher cost and a lower accuracy. Everyone is asking why AI is automating creative jobs an not manual labor. Automation COULD replace manual labor, it just costs more. Right now we are looking into which jobs are cost effective to replace with llms, which is why there is such investigation into copyright abuse. If you can’t train AI without huge copyright payments, llms might cost more than just employing people to do the mind numming jobs that the llms could replace.

  • @[email protected]
    75 months ago

    Remember when all the “burger flippers” got replaced in 2012 with the introduction of this robot?:

    Much to the chagrin of execs, automation is not that straightforward. Then again, I bet CEOs would be more easily replaced with AI than a lot of these “no/low skill” jobs, but the AI would have to be tuned to spew even more bullshit than it is currently capable of.

    • @[email protected]
      75 months ago

      No, but I do remember the advent of online ordering reducing the staff needed to answer phones and take orders at the counter at the pizza place I worked at.

      And now those same restaurants don’t even staff drivers anymore, they outsource to door dash (who are now getting paid less, with less protections)

      Let’s not pretend that technology improvements can’t cause cascading changes in an industry.

    • @[email protected]
      -25 months ago

      I love this sentence ❤️

      Had chatgpt poem it up:

      In the shadowed halls of gold and greed, Where Mammon reigns, his creed they heed, A whisper winds, a somber song, Of hearts lost to the worldly throng.

      Beholden to Mammon and his devout, Souls bartered in a faithless rout, Chained to desires, ever unfulfilled, In halls of opulence, unjustly built.

      Their eyes, like hollow stars, gleam bright, Yet void of warmth, devoid of light, For in their quest for fleeting gain, They’ve traded joy for endless pain.

      The nightingale, she weeps in woe, For those who wander, lost below, In labyrinths of gold they roam, Yet farther still from heart and home.

      And I, a ghost among these halls, Echo Poe’s lament, his somber calls, For in this realm where shadows play, The soul’s true worth is cast away.

      So heed this tale, this mournful verse, Lest you become Mammon’s curse, For wealth unbound by love or grace, Leads but to a darkened place.

      And there, in silence, you might find, The truest wealth – a peaceful mind, Unchained from Mammon, finally free, To embrace life’s deeper mystery.

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        In the House of the Lord we devout our lives.
        Each narrow fiscal year brings new tithes.
        My family is hungry, my daughters are cold.
        Clasped hands pray above an idol of gold.

        We pray for prosperity, of which we were not blessed.
        This condition is reserved for those who are His best.
        “All are made to toil”, the priest assures me yet.
        The Lord requires extravagence, and I gave at His behest.

        Fine silks, linens, and furs given freely to confer
        our love for Him is beyond superb.
        His steps bound over us, unrequited and unperturbed.

        In the House of the Lord we devout our lives.
        Souls transmute to gold, a baby’s monetized cry. Helpless towards each other, under His watchful eye.
        Mammon’s grip grows as our humanity dies.

  • Bobby Turkalino
    75 months ago

    Quick, everybody say AI could do their job so that the corporate airheads invest a bunch of money in AI, get sad when it doesn’t deliver, and then become super pessimistic about AI

    • @[email protected]
      25 months ago

      They’d be pulling that money out of our wages. They certainly aren’t going to give the C level execs a pay cut, never mind less of a pay raise or bonus.

  • @[email protected]
    65 months ago

    No AI is gonna pick up a drill and some screws and put together these cabinets I’m installing today. In fact AI has zero use cases for me in construction. Absolutely nothing it can do.

  • @[email protected]
    55 months ago

    I’m actively looking for opportunities to use AI to replace the work I do, and not finding many effective ones so far. Sure it can write some crappy code for me, but writing code comes after the hard part, which is identifying the problem and how it could be solved with tech. Novel problems need novel solutions and an LLM can’t generate those.

  • @[email protected]
    45 months ago

    Meaning 1/3 of Americans don’t realize that AI could replace them.
    /Sarcasm (at least for now)

  • @[email protected]
    35 months ago

    I’m not American but I guarantee an AI could do over 95% of my job (techops/devops datacenter). It’s only a matter of time until the upper pencil pushers realise this as well.

    As an aside, I know my future isn’t in IT anymore, looking for an exit atm.

    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      About the only jobs I believe to be AI-resistant are trade jobs. Until robotics catches up with AI (in regards to how capable it is in replacing humans) there won’t be much use for AI in the trades except maybe as a reference tool. That would still lower the pay of the job (little skill required, just ask the AI what to do next) but at least AI can’t actually do the thing because you can’t digitize the flow of water or the laying of tiles.

    • Dr. Moose
      15 months ago

      I feel like exit from IT is the wrong move tbh. Senior workers will reap the rewards it’s the newbies who are getting into IT now are potentially in trouble.

      There will be new job possibilities and niches and AI will just empower people. Suddenly one person can launch and grow a startup which tbh not really possible today even if you’re a straight up genius. Problems will be solved faster and competition will drastically raise the quality of all software.

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        Maybe, but I’m already getting on in years and my expertise is mediocre at best. I’m by no means intelligent enough to figure out LLM’s myself so I need to be able to sidestep that gaping hole in my experience/future. I mean, I’m 40 years old and still doing support (for 15+ years now). If I could’ve escaped the helpdesk I probably would have by now. Besides, my heart’s not in it anymore. I used to be very excited about new technologies and developments and now I just feel like a boomer who can’t keep up with the younger generations anymore.

        Nah, it’s time for this old dog to find another stomping grounds. I can feel my time nearing its end (career-wise).

  • @[email protected]
    -15 months ago

    I mean yeah. But can you really trust the judgment of someone whose job could be done an AI?