Drink a gallon of bleach and learn how much power you have over those little fuckers!
It cleans you out, but leaves you hollow inside.
My cells are dumb terminals and I’m their virtual server.
I have epilepsy so my brain gets DDOSed from time to time
Wow that’s a really apt analogy and I laughed way harder than I expected.
Seriously can you guys just leave me alone? Chess is really cool, and you’d find that out if you just tried it. Sportz is dumb anyway.
Biology is complexity built upon simplicity. By asking this question, you are actually asking the same question philosophers and religions have asked for millennia: do we have a soul/free will?
This is more or less correct. Your brain makes decisions, your conscious mind creates rationalizations for why you did the things you did. The conscious, thinking part of you isn’t really in charge at all.
That was a really interesting article, though the implication does seem to be that you do indeed make some decisions longterm but that all decisions in the moment are basically automatic and rationalized later. If I decide that today I’m building a table thats a genuine conscious decision but the building of the table up to and potentially even including its actual design are probably falling back on automatic mechanisms.
Honestly doesn’t seem much different from muscle memory, riding a bike starts out as a very concious effort but ends up being automatic, it would make sense that thinking can be subject to a similar mechanism.