30 years after I get my first AOL disk, reddit cancels itself and I’m back getting news about Osama’s killer from AOL.
I used to take handfuls of those discs from blockbuster and use them as frisbees in my living room
Today I learned AOL still exists.
Yahoo, too, is still out there and pumping out news stories and such.
Yahoo is aol now, isn’t it? Or aol is yahoo?
I mean to be fair assault and public intox are about what i’d expect out of most military vets. It isn’t like the VA’s giving them good mental health assistance after they return home.
I just read the article. This guy seems like an asshole through and through.
Well, he is a SEAL…
Because all SEALs are assholes?
Most of them are
I’ve noticed quite a bit of information posted from sources i don’t really recognize. I usually try to find an AP article if i can since most outlets are just quoting them anyway.
Edit: people seem to think recognize = aware of. I don’t recognize AOL as a news source.
If you’ve never heard of aol.com, it’s probably older than you are.
I don’t recognize AOL as a “news” outlet.
Wait have you not heard about AOL??
You’ve got male pattern baldness.
No u
Please tell me this is satire.
I’m not a fashionista or anything, but someone should be arrested for the tailoring of that suit. Good God.
Tailored like a fresh paper bag. I dunno man there’s a weird trump ideation that made baggy ill fitting rack suits in vouge for a certain sect of people.
And he used the N-word. What a colossal shithead.