Robert J. O'Neill, the former Navy SEAL who claimed to be the one who killed Usama bin Laden, was arrested in Texas on misdemeanor assault and public intoxication.
I’ve noticed quite a bit of information posted from sources i don’t really recognize. I usually try to find an AP article if i can since most outlets are just quoting them anyway.
Edit: people seem to think recognize = aware of. I don’t recognize AOL as a news source.
I’ve noticed quite a bit of information posted from sources i don’t really recognize. I usually try to find an AP article if i can since most outlets are just quoting them anyway.
Edit: people seem to think recognize = aware of. I don’t recognize AOL as a news source.
If you’ve never heard of, it’s probably older than you are.
I don’t recognize AOL as a “news” outlet.
Wait have you not heard about AOL??
You’ve got male pattern baldness.
No u
Please tell me this is satire.