“Law and Order” says the party voting for guy with 2 impeachments, 70+ indictments, and being charged for treason.
Fuck these shitbags
I will keep saying this like a broken record:
“Law and order” is a dogwhistle that means “oppress minorities”
“I do not believe we have to choose between law and order and racial justice in America,” Biden said in a speech this week. “We can have both.”
At the apex of the civil rights movement, … “Law and order” was “a strategy for reaching suburban voters without having to say the ugly part [talking about race] out loud,” says Leah Wright-Rigueur, a political historian and public policy professor at Harvard University. Source
Except from above:
“Law and order” might sound simple, a 1968 TIME cover story on the campaign pointed out, but to some it was “a shorthand message promising repression of the black community”—and to that community, it was “a bleak warning that worse times may be coming.”
Pass it on.
Sounds about right.
Just like States Rights meaning “WE get to decide how to oppress our minorities, not the government.”
Yep. Laws can be un just. And the order corrupt. That’s why they like them. Fuck yer law and order. Give me justice and peace.
Why are they wearing masks now? Couldn’t do it in 2020?
People are desperate, angry, and feel like they have nothing to lose. Because regardless of who is in office, they never help. And people who feel.like they have nothing to lose, are going to act like they have nothing to lose.
Soooooooo many of our issues could be solved with the bare minimum social systems in every other developed country
Billy Bob ain’t going to try and overthrow the government if he feels the government is looking out for him, even if he’s still a racist piece of shit, he’s now got something to lose if he fucks around.
Just like with other terrorists, the best way to fight them is figure out why people are joining their organization and then fix whatever issue makes people do it. It’s a lot easier to prevent an extremist than to fix one after
People are desperate, angry, and feel like they have nothing to lose. Because regardless of who is in office, they never help.
We have ONE party that loves and needs division and desperation so they block anything that makes lives easier. The GOP needs riled up, angry people to get elected to “fix things” - that is why nothing changes - witness their immigration strategy.
Yeah, but it’s not just racist hillbillies that feel like they have nothing to lose…
That’s a lot of Americans these days. And they make up a lot of the 1/3 that don’t vote.
So the other party could sweep elections for decades if they start doing all they can.
FDR only lost two states in 1936. Because people trusted FDR to actually try and help them.
Even tho his push for universal healthcare for stopped by moderate Dems, he still kept getting elected. Because just trying is enough for American voters
And for some reason they think they have more in common with Billionaires than socialists, make it make sense.
They’re mentally defective. Can’t overcome their lizard brains shouting “OH MUH GAWD THE COLORDS!!!1!”. No ability to think abstractly.
That sounds a lot like socialism and we can’t have that commie trash here!
It’s such a viscous ugly circle in the US though. I think really piss poor education in a lot of these rural areas is largely to blame. These thugs are by and large incredibly stupid people. The people that want to help fix the rural education systems are made to look like their enemies though, they are literally voting against their best interests. The GOP thrives off denying quality education and manipulating the feeble minded. Stupidity breeds hate and fear, and guess what, they have propaganda to play on those secondary features as well. You could try to give these people money and education and they would slap it out of your hand, call you a commie fag, and feel they did the right thing. We shouldn’t stop trying, but it’s really hard to help someone that shuns the help being offered.
Billy Bob can’t string together 5 functioning neurons and synthesize that he’s being manipulated by intelligent people who would watch the world burn for that sweet dolla dolla bill. Give him a $100K welfare check and he’d behave exactly as he does now, the marionette that he is.
Exactly. Likewise, the greatest way to fight the “war on terror” would’ve been through legitimate support and education, but that would not have enriched the US fossil fuel and MIC oligarchy, or pleased the bloodthirsty neanderthals who refuse to support and educate their own neighbours, so it’s a non-starter — now, here we are, and everything’s worse.
Then why don’t these assholes vote for people who actually propose things to help them?
Regardless of whether they can even be passed with a broken Congressional system, the Republicans they’re supporting don’t even pay lip service to helping anyone anymore. They don’t promise support, they actively destroy the support, they spit on the very idea of support. Routinely
And yet these people go to the polls for them.
We are loooooong past the “economic anxiety” excuse.
Are the people who join these groups typically struggling workers? The Jan 6 mob seemed to be mostly relatively well-off small business owners and the self-employed. Who else has time to do all this stupid shit? And all that money to waste on guns and LARPy gear?
The last time it got close to this bad, it ended up in the Oklahoma City Bombing.
What’s going to happen this time?
It’s not something that’s always in the forefront of my thoughts, but I’ve been expecting something like that since qanon took off
Before the OKC there was Ruby Ridge Massacre and Branch Davidian Cult Massacre which one could say led directly to the retaliation against the FBI.
Until the javkboots bomb a whole city block like the MoVE bombing in Philly 1985, I’ll say things are pretty tame comparatively.
God damn, imagine if a bunch of black people did what the Proud Boys say and do. The police would probably bust out another improvised airstrike.
Or implement gun control to help imprison group leaders and breakup black “radical” groups.
Cough Ronald Reagan cough
Pretty tame? I’d bet things are going to get more and more heated as we get closer to the election.
I get what you’re saying and I wonder also. But at the same time, the terrorism has been happening; look at all the racially motivated attacks we’ve seen since 2016.
I expect more. But to your point i wouldn’t be surprised to see another major act of domestic terrorism on par with the Oklahoma City Bombing.
I feel like things are way, way worse than they were back then. Way worse than it’s been since the civil rights era.
Oh I know it’s been happening. But it’s been (relatively) small scale by far. Something big is coming though, I would bet on it.
…like storming the fucking capital building?
Almost no one died.
In the Oklahoma City bombing, 168 people died and 680 were injured in the blast. There was a daycare center there, so 19 of those 168 dead were babies or small children.
So yeah, in terms of politics, January 6th was worse. In terms of deaths, Oklahoma City was far worse. That’s what I’m talking about happening again eventually, and probably not too far in the future.
I certainly won’t bet against you on that, as much as I might hope you’ll be proven wrong. Shit is going to get wild depending on how the presidential election turns out.
Which one?
To be clear I know which one you were referring to. But isn’t it kinda fucked up that there’s been enough that you might even have to stop to ask that for a second.
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Remember, we outnumber these cunts.
But do we out-gun them?
I don’t think any civilians should be able to own firearms, but those MAGA cunts own them and you can be damn sure I’m not going to let them get one up on me.
Everyone, buy a gun, train thoroughly, and don’t let these assholes bully us into letting them run the country.
Unfortunately this is the way.
This isn’t a game, the police will not protect us, that’s been shown. They’ll happily club an old lady to the ground and shoot you in the face with rubber bullets if you get near them. I tell my friends as often as I can now is the time. Get a gun or two (a long one a short one) and learn how to use them. Learn some basic medic training (you just need to know how to stablize somebody). Start networking with like-minded people around you. Learn how to rely on yourself and your community. The rightwing wants to install a theocracy in the U.S. in disregard of whatever personal freedoms you hold dear and they’re very close to accomplishing it.
In Upstate NY? Most likely so. I grew up poor, in a family that relied on hunting for food. I’m significantly more financially secure now, but I’ve still two long barrels locked up with a fair amount of ammo.
Just in case.
Everyone, buy a gun, train thoroughly, and don’t let these assholes bully us into letting them run the country.
Yeah, because if there’s one thing we know, it’s that more guns will solve all the problems.
All of them? Absolutely not. The problem of these shitbags being armed and wanting to use them to install a dictatorship? Yeah, being on somewhat equal footing of arms definitely helps.
Yeah, anything to give them an excuse to get more and bigger guns, because escalation always makes things better. Woo Guns!!!
What’s distressing is that while the extreme-right may be a minority, republican supporters are something like 40%+ of the US electorate. There are tens of millions of people who hold those views.
As a Democrat from upstate NY let me tell you why the rural areas are dark red: NYC seems to be all that matters.
At least 50% of NY’s population lives within 50 miles of NYC and I wouldn’t be surprised to find out its closer to 65% or 70%. Of course it gets the most attention. I get why people living outside that area would be upset but they cant be surprised.
You see the same thing in every state with a large metro area. There’s always griping from western and central MA but the fact is 75% of the population lives in the Boston metro area.
The issue, addressed in the article, is that these rural areas used to have industry that gave people a sense of purpose. Now the choices are basically move to a city, die of a heroin overdose, or join a right wing militia. We need to give these people something to do that’s beneficial and where they feel they’re contributing to their communities, otherwise, they’re going to be wooed by groups with ulterior motives that dress their goals up in rhetoric of service and cohesion.
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used to have industry that gave [men] a sense of purpose
They need gender-affirming care.
Whew, for a second I was afraid someone wasn’t going to explicitly make it about gender.
Thank you for your service.
Women aren’t dying of drug overdoses in Appalachia and the Rust Belt?
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Lack of diversity, the higher degree of isolation in rural/suburban life, and higher amount of churchgoers getting preached hate probably has something to do with it too.
Absolute dumbasses. The lowest achievers from high school, never left town, and signed up for Facebook one day, and now here we are.
In my state, claiming to be part of a militia, unless you’ve been specifically called up by the Governor, or activated by the feds somehow or another, is a felony.
These groups needs to be considered terrorists, their assets seized, and their presence made illegal. Their goal is the violent oppression of minorities in violation of the Constitution.
Long time ago the Supreme Court said advocating to overthrow the government is protected First Amendment speech, and that made sense when I learned about it but now I think it was a mistake, said from a place of great comfort.
They are auditioning. Their paperwork will be appropriately stamped if their candidate gets in.
2nd amendment though? Sounds like your state has an unconstitutional law.
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A civilian militia is a group of armed civilians. We’re banning all groups now?
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There’s a bunch of civilian groups in my state that call themselves militias, definitely unauthorized.
I wonder how they got around this. Never knew
Same way you can go a few miles over the limit and not get a ticket - they aren’t being looked at.
Or maybe they are, and they haven’t crossed a line that makes it a “big bust” that prosecutors like to do in order to bolster their political position.
Or some members are cops.
Lots of illegal things happen every day without being prosecuted, doesn’t make it any more legal though.
So funny, the proud boys guy was of Mexican descent, the guy in this article seems of middle eastern descent, can they really be this dumb and support white supremacy ideology?
Yes. Many Middle Easterners in the US are white-passing, conservative and racist. Take for example Darrel Issa.
There’s still Slavic nazis.
I’ve met Trump-voting conservatives that flat-out said they believe Communism could work.
They’re people too, with all the nuance that comes with it.
The republican party and democratic party in the 60s:
First time I’ve seen somecunt with more flags than brain cells
I assure you that is not a rarity in rural US.
Take a trip down to a beach in the outer banks. Never seen so many trucks and American flags practically parked in the fuckin ocean.
Upstate New York was the first place I saw the all black American flag.
My God! These hams aren’t Steamed at all!
So they claim it is NRA country, and that they are rattlesnakes that one should not tread on.
Add this together and deal with rattlesnakes the American way: Simply shoot them.
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