Apple to over 100 California employees: Move to Texas or lose your job::Most of the team working on key Siri operations is already based in the Texas captial’s Apple campus. Others in San Diego are receiving al ultimatum.
“I’d rather be dead in California than alive in Texas.” - Lucille Bluth
Arizona* Lucille wouldn’t even joke about moving to Texas
This should be illegal
It’s just sneaky layoffs through attrition. Honestly these are work from home jobs (listen and evaluate recorded snippets) so there’s no other reason to make them move.
Tax laws. Thats why they want them to move to Texas.
California has some pretty decent laws tilted to employees, I’m curious how this will shake out.
Anybody at Apple will have half a dozen offers by the end of the week if they tell LinkedIn they’re open to new opportunities.
I’m not sure people from the Siri team are going to be in high demand.
Reason #437 to unionize
I’m somewhat a fanboy of Apple but this would ruin it for me. No way you could get me to step into the state with the lowest quality of personal liberties in the country.
Hopefully not without moving assistance. I can’t imagine that people can just pick up stakes and move 3 states away!
Especially to fucking texas. I couldn’t handle that political 180. It’s why I moved away from the south and back to MN.
Take the severance, then get a job somewhere else near home. They’ve worked for Apple—the world is their oyster