I worked at a pizza place in highschool and one of our delivery drivers was an elderly guy who drove your typical delivery driver beat up old Honda Civic type car. He was a super nice guy, but never talked much about himself. Then one day he shows up to work in a Maserati because apparently his Civic wouldn’t start. Turns out he was a crew member with freaking Jacques Cousteau and was very wealthy. He just delivered pizza for something to do and because he liked meeting new people.
He eventually sold the Maserati to one of my coworkers for a couple of thousand of dollars because it needed a new fuel pump and he didn’t feel like dealing with it. Yet, he kept that sun bleached Civic for as long as I worked there.
I went to graduate school with a guy who turned out to be from a super-wealthy family but we never suspected because he drove an honest-to-god fucking Yugo. I rode in it once and pulled the window crank off the door before he had a chance to stop me. He drove the Yugo because he wanted to fit in with us poors - we should have suspected something was up because not even the poorest of the poor graduate students drove Yugos. He finally blew his cover when the Yugo died and he had to come to school in his other car, a brand-new Range Rover.
It looks like a shitty kit car.
It does. Applying the video game logic, it looks badass at first glance, but once you play a little bit and learn more about what’s out there, you find out it’s kinda a noob trap.
I, too, wasted scales on the Drake Sword.
Which really sucks because getting a good item early in the game and carrying it with you the whole time feels really special. Bilbo picked up sting as a level 1 Hobbit. He didn’t upgrade his sword two or three times during his adventure. He got something cool and passed it down to frodo.
Item scaling just makes everything seem like temporary trash, disposable.
I used to dream about getting a fiero and kitting it up in my early twenties. Seemed like such a cool project and achievable way to get something my broke ass could never obtain otherwise.
I grew out of that phase but it still doesn’t sit right with me to shit on someone else that might have lived out that dream. I hope the dudes happy and enjoying life more than anyone who has the real thing.
It probably is lol
Not probably. This is a shitty kit car.
The Deliverator’s car has enough potential energy packed into its batteries to fire a pound of bacon into the Asteroid Belt. Unlike a bimbo box or a Burb beater, the Deliverator’s car unloads that power through gaping, gleaming, polished sphincters. When the Deliverator puts the hammer down, shit happens. You want to talk contact patches? Your car’s tires have tiny contact patches, talk to the asphalt in four places the size of your tongue. The Deliverator’s car has big sticky tires with contact patches the size of a fat lady’s thighs. The Deliverator is in touch with the road, starts like a bad day, stops on a peseta.
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen nor heard of a game where this situation could even apply…
Look up the Everburn Blade in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Maybe an MMO with world drops?
This post inspired me to create [email protected], and this will be the first post! (Yes I Cross posted it)
Eyy thanks
When your parents promise to buy you a car if you get a job.
Why does this picture look so warped?
The lambo has a widebody kit on it. Makes it as wide as an F150 but only like 42" tall.
Who the fuck looks at a Lamborghini and thinks “not wide enough”??
Generally, people will widebody a street car for the aesthetic. They are imitating the production race cars that use wider tires to increase traction; wide enough tires don’t fit under the stock bodywork, so the fenders come out further to cover the wider tires for aerodynamic purposes.
The Lamborghini Huracan GT3(production car pulled off the line to be made into a race car) is about 80 inches wide, compared to ~76" for the stock Huracan. For comparison, a Prius comes in at a nice ~69" and the F150 is currently ~80".
Thanks for the explanation 🙂
Still doesn’t make any aesthetic sense to make a lambo wider and I assume it already has plenty of traction so the custom tires aren’t needed, but at least I know now why they do it to cars that ARENT already wider than the Strait of Gibraltar with enough downforce to make gravity itself blush 😂
Flar car, wide man lol. Looking at the texts it doesn’t look like they are that warped so I don’t think the image is, or at least not too much
Preorder bonus
If I had a Lambo, I would sign up as a Deliveroo driver for sure!