Former title: SSD having issues after I filled up its storage
I wrote this poorly last time so here’s a more clear description: Hey all, so I filled my SSD up on Linux Mint and it’s running sluggishly. I deleted more than half of my storage but there’s still issues. It can read / write fast according to my inexperienced testing and I have trimmed it (to my knowledge) but there’s still issues. Loading up programs now takes 30 seconds (even something like VLC which typically took like 0.5 seconds). Loading new audio files into VLC can take 10 seconds. I have checked my system monitor and nothing seems out of place. Also, when the program starts running, it runs perfectly. The computer itself is fast but loading anything new takes ages. Does anyone have any ideas? It’s a new laptop, not even two months old.
Edit: This is somehow, and strangely, a Flatpak issue apparently? It was triggered either by a full SSD or the new Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon update.
Edit 2: Interesting experiment result
‘it took 30 seconds but this got outputted and then the file ran: dave@dog: ~$ flatpak run org.x.Warpinator Gtx-Message: 14:29:03.389: Failed to load module “xapp-gtk3-module” Using landlock for incoming file isolation’
It appears there’s either a xdg-desktop-portal-gtk and/or xdg-desktop-portal-gnome error and I’m not alone, Mint and Arch users are both reporting it as of recent strangely???
This was a real sneaky fu(ker as it dodged all logical system testing. The only reason I caught it was cause it was suspicious how fast system programs booted and how flatpaks booted like sh(t. Not sure if I’m even right about the module, but I’m highly suspicious
Some comment mentioned this and it explained it well: Random shot, because it’s probably not an issue on Mint like it was on Arch a few months ago, but xdg-desktop-portal problems can cause apps to take forever to load, but run fine once loaded.
edit: Try removing xdg-desktop-portal-gtk and/or xdg-desktop-portal-gnome
It still sounds to me like something’s up with the disk. Can’t think of any solutions to suggest but I would run a SMART health check on it:
sudo apt install smartmontools sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda
If you prefer a graphical tool, you can do the same thing with GNOME Disks, which also has options for disk benchmarking.
In the resulting report, the overall health state should be “PASSED”, the “Type” column should show “Pre-fail” and “Old age” values, and the “Media-Wearout-Indicator” should be close to 100. If the overall health state is “FAILED”, then you will want to back up your files immediately and consider getting a new SSD.
wait i think ive had a breakthrough, all system packages SEEM to run fine but all flatpak applications are effected. this seems to be flatpak related
just tested it, vlc system package opens in .2 seconds but flatpak opens in 30 seconds.
Definitely flatpak related then. Try running one of your flatpak apps from the terminal, and post the output here; might help pinpoint the issue. You can list the ones you have installed with
flatpak list
, thenflatpak run
.it took 30 seconds but this got outputted and then the file ran: dave@dog: ~$ flatpak run org.x.Warpinator Gtx-Message: 14:29:03.389: Failed to load module “xapp-gtk3-module” Using landlock for incoming file isolation
Looking online, there are some suggestions to either (re)install xapp:
sudo apt install --reinstall xapp
or a related library:
sudo apt install --reinstall gir1.2-xapp-1.0
However, usually I find that errors like this mean nothing, so I wouldn’t be surprised if these steps change nothing.
this impacts file access speeds too, system package opens things in like .2 of a second but flaptak again takes like 30
Who’d have ever thought that having 47 copies of a library instead of using a shared library wouldn’t work out great. 🙄
You mean 1 copy and 46 links.
Flatpak isn’t a disk hog and this urban legend is dumb.
You mean 1 copy and 46 links.
That’s a shared library with extra steps. It’s also loaded 47 times. Thanks for playing.
i do it for the sandboxing and flatseal. any suggestions?
Not specifically. It’s probably actually a configuration problem though, for any other program I’d delete or default the settings. Not sure how to do that for flatpak itself as I won’t use it.
why wont you use it
The only use case I can see with any validity is for the sandboxing features, and I have no need of that currently.
ive tried that actuqllt, it said there was no dev/sda. it did aay there was a dev/nvme0. scanned it and it ‘passed’ but i can try again
/dev/nvme0 is probably your SSD. But if it passed you probably have nothing to worry about
Flatpak on Arch? Is what you want not in the AUR?
no flarpak on linux vut apparently this imapcts flatpak on arch as well
I’m sorry, I found your response confusing. Arch is a Linux distro, I know flatpak is available for it. If there’s a bug with flatpak, I would expect it to be pretty much the same across most GNU based Linux systems. My question, however, was why use flatpak on Arch Linux at all, as the AUR has pretty much everything including the kitchen sink… unless you are developing flatpaks, I guess, in which then it would make sense to me.
You don’t owe me an explanation, it just sounded odd to me to be needing flatpak when there was AUR, was all.
alright edit: I have a Flatpak issue, not an SSD issue. does anyone have any thoughts? this could be due to the new linux mint update. my pc is a samsung galaxy s2 (750XED P13CFG)
the linux mint discussion forum has a post about my model not being great but last update my system worked just fine. i actually think having a full ssd broke flatpak. otherwise ive hit a horrible regression issue
Backup and install a fresh Linux Mint.
What filesystem are you using? Is it encrypted?
Could you run a benchmark to verify if reads and writes are both affected? KDiskMark is like crystaldiskmark or Gnome Disks has a built in benchmark.
not encyrpted. i tried running a write test in gnome disks but i get 'error unmounting /dev/nvme0n1p2: target is busy (udisks-error-quark, 14)
I had this issue as well, but my file system was broken when i was trashing a OS, I did not know it was xdg-desktop-portal-gtk or xdg-desktop-portal-gnome I think it was Debian with cinnamon or maybe LMDE.
I had this problem with flatpaks, I changed the dbus implementation to dbus-broker (in endeavouros) and it fixed the issue. It may be the same problem.
how do yoy do that
I installed dbus-broker and the package manager checked the dependencies and removed the unnecessary stuff. After that I applied the dbus-broker services:
systemctl enable dbus-broker.service
sudo systemctl --global enable dbus-broker.service
And then restarted.
Idk if it might break things in mint, so I would be cautious.
by any chance does this have to do with gtk3?
Yes, I remember reading about a gtk thing that interacts with flatpak, they said it should not give this error in April, but it seems to still be happening, idk.
Edit: I just saw that you deleted the gtk portal and it worked! So no need to install another dbus daemon.