Milei? AFUERA!
Just a brazilian physics student.
Milei? AFUERA!
Yes, I remember reading about a gtk thing that interacts with flatpak, they said it should not give this error in April, but it seems to still be happening, idk.
Edit: I just saw that you deleted the gtk portal and it worked! So no need to install another dbus daemon.
I installed dbus-broker and the package manager checked the dependencies and removed the unnecessary stuff. After that I applied the dbus-broker services:
systemctl enable dbus-broker.service
sudo systemctl --global enable dbus-broker.service
And then restarted.
Idk if it might break things in mint, so I would be cautious.
I had this problem with flatpaks, I changed the dbus implementation to dbus-broker (in endeavouros) and it fixed the issue. It may be the same problem.
I don’t think Milei will make Argentina better in any sense in the short/mid/long term. Bolsonaro, Trump, everyone on the far-right says the same thing but it only gets worse, never better.