Thailand’s new government is moving ahead to pass new legisalation banning cannabis for recreational use in a major reversal 18 months after the country became the first in Asia to decriminalize the plant.
The relaxed laws saw a lucrative cannabis industry catering to locals and foreigners alike boom across the Southeast Asian nation, but a new conservative coalition government came to power late last year vowing to tighten the rules and only allow medical use.
A draft bill was released on Tuesday by Thailand’s health ministry outlining hefty fines or prison sentences of up to one year for offenders – or both.
why are people still so backwards about this? what’s the point? everyone uses caffeine and/or alcohol and that’s fine but weed is horrible and bad? just blatantly denying reality
And tobacco.
I think the idea is that they can’t fight a war on those drugs since they’re already there, but they can still win against the others by keeping them out.
It helps when you have relatively tight borders and your neighbours agree.
People are okay with drug use as long as it’s drugs they use.
You even see it among pot smokers towards nicotine and alcohol.
Totes fine with people smoking pot, provided said pot is odorless.
I don’t understand how people hate it. Weed is better-smelling than tobacco by a mile and then some. Tobacco smoke irritates your lungs when you smell it, something that doesn’t happen with weed unless you have some medical condition.
I can stand smoke. It’s annoying, but it’s fine. Pot is smells like a No. 2 pencil eraser factory on fire. It’s nowhere close to the same.
Lol! Fair enough. I think it smells a bit like skunk spray, but I didn’t mind the skunk smell from the few times that I smelled it from afar.
I can take social situations in private places like someone’s home, or even public places like parks. I expect people to enjoy themselves.
Me and a couple friends went to Texas Roadhouse and were seated in a section that had a ~1 foot partition between booths. A little later a couple of guys were seated opposite of the partition, in a booth running parallel to ours. We were nauseated by the smell and asked to be reseated. They ironically sat us in a corner booth decorated with Willie Nelson pictures on the walls and table, with a neon sign that read Willie’s Corner. We felt bad for the couple that were shortly seated in that same booth. We had a really good meal.
I fully support someone’s freedom to do what they want as long as they’re not bothering others. Reeking of weed while we spend upwards to 50 bucks for a meal (prices are nuts now) is unacceptable.
That’s fair. Although, tbh with you, I would’ve liked to be sitting right next to them. 😂
The pot will be odorless when the cigarette is.
That’s fine. Smoking is banned in most public places.
Honestly, it’s a nuisance for many.
I wouldn’t want to live close to a dispensary, there’s almost always a “stench”. Don’t get me wrong I like to partake, but I definitely understand why it’s stigmatized. It fricken stinks and the stereotype of high kids doing dumb shit is real as well. I think they just need better control
Edit: damn guys I like weed and Thailand was on my list of countries to visit because they legalized. I’m just not surprised… They’re the only country in APAC to have legalized and there are countries around then giving out death penalties.
High kids’ dumb shit will always pale in comparison to drunk kids’ dumb shit and it’s not even close.
Absolutely, unless they’re also drinking - but then weed may also be mitigating some of alcohol’s worst effects. Alcohol reduces inhibition, while weed often causes anxiety. Alcohol increases propensity for violent behavior, while weed usually calms you down.
It’s also important to point out, it’s still illegal for kids to be doing either if the things in the first place.
It definitely is still illegal, so I think they just need some better controls. I think good for any new legal substance, it takes a bit for things to be put in place
It’s still dumb shit
Edit: agreed drunk kids do way worse stuff, but I’ve done some seriously stupid shit while high, just drawing from personal experience
There’s dumb people and some of them drink or smoke.
Kids are capable of extremely dumb shit even when sober.
Definitely true, but even in the US the more conservative population and older population are pretty against the substance. I’d say they’re coming around to it in the long legal states, but it’s still a drug that you smoke. It’s not unlike cigarettes, but cigarettes don’t get compared to the smell of skunk
Everyone I know that isn’t a cigarette or weed smoker agrees that cigarettes smell much worse. It also lingers longer.
Really? I mean I agree, but I definitely think people are used to cigarette smoke. But weed leaves that dank skunk smell behind. I’m surprised everyone you know prefers the weed smell
I didn’t say everyone I know. I said everyone I know that doesn’t smoke. Obviously the weed smokers think weed smells better and the cig smokers think that cigs smell better.
Smoke weed in a room with the window open there will be no smell the next day. Not the same for cigarettes.
Definitely agree that cigarette smell lingers and weed smell dissapates, but I also believe weed smell, in the short term covers a larger area and smells worse. Maybe I’m bias since I like the smell of cigarettes (but I also like the smell of weed).
Totally fair haha I’m definitely biased towards the weed smell.
Make smoking around others outside or in public without other’s consent illegal (i.e. you can complain to police if you don’t like the smell), and introduce a rule you can only smoke on licensed premises (with smoking rooms) or at home.
That’s what some places have done with tobacco smoking. It is basically harassment or assault in my view to have people consume your second hand smoke and smells.
Edibles on the outer hand, or if you create flavored vapes that don’t smell much or travel far in the air, all good.
Lack of creativity among conservatives is never surprising.
Also it’s already illegal for kids to do weed, smoke or drink.
I agree with you. Problem for Thailand is(last I checked) they’re the only country in APAC that legalized fully. I think it’s stigmatized since all those countries are so strict. Last I remember Indonesia had a potential death penalty for having 1kg of weed.