A Mars Colony Needs Just 22 People to Survive, Simulation Suggests::undefined
Hmm. 🤔 Did they use Rimworld as the simulator?
Not if one of those people is Elon Musk.
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Which I don’t get. If I am going to be so close to death all the time I want to be with people who have a healthy level of caution.
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Agreeableness is one of the 4 big personality traits as is Neurotic. There is a reason why it hasn’t been selected out in human beings. People who expect bad things can prepare for bad things. The worst projects I have been on have been ones where everyone loved one another and diligently “and then” every rubbish idea. You need different outlooks to survive and flourish.
I don’t know this seems a lot like work. We have sales guys who shot from the hip, are friendly with everyone, and will promise the world. And you have engineering pulling their hair out about the slow motion disaster unfolding. Together things get done.
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In fact it’s cold as hell
Someone will have to be born there eventually if the goal is to colonize
Edit: ah.
They’re quoting ‘Rocket Man’ fyi
I hope it has good WiFi.
I hope it has Marsnet and be fully decentralized.
Only 22? Should that include someone for Graphic Design?
And then you wonder why it specifically states “no more…no less …”
Does playing RimWorld count as running a simulation? Cause managing 22 people is too much trouble, unless a few might just be there in case the crops don’t do well.
I don’t know where i got this same number, maybe in a course talking about genealogy in school, a’d i use it since then.
Iirc, the Matrix used that same number for determining how many humans to leave alive outside of the matrix so that the community wound be self-sustaining before they were able to ramp up breaking people out again.