Or MIC will just arrange for another president that won’t cut their funding. Either is a net positive.
Or MIC will just arrange for another president that won’t cut their funding. Either is a net positive.
VGA should have released VGA2.1 that is what all the cool display cables do
I’ve been playing a bunch of Indiana Jones lately and keep finding myself going out of my way to kill every Nazi and fascist I come across even going out of my way to backtrack and get a few.
I’m fairly certain the Simpsons ended the same year Futurama started. Anyone that says otherwise is lieing to you.
He gets Botox injections in his throat to help with his vocal cords. If only there were other ways that purposely getting injected with dead or weakened virus could help people.
A toaster is a death ray just with a much smaller power supply
He delivers presents to poor people instead of making them buy them and “help the economy”
Why are there germs on your hands right after washing them? Didn’t mythbusters already test it and concluded that they are only bad when people don’t really wash their hands.
Condiment King will not stand for his weapons being abused in this manner.
God never addressed themselves as him/her. They referred to themselves as I am.
There is no way Dr. Mario has any training. He just throws random pills at the problems hoping that they line up and do something other than cause an overdose.
At this point all the bronze coating has worn off that cheap thing.
If the flow of current follows in the direction the index finger is pointing, then the the magnetic field lines will flow in the direction the middle finger is pointing, the thumb points in the direction that the force is exerted.
He is tired of the candidates he endorses losing so he is hedging his bet
Oh no every electrical circuit is going to short out at the same time.
Have him wish for a change in the duration of a second, and watch as the metric system falls apart.
Well apparently there are no negative consequences for staging a coop.
All the other states can fuck off, probably.
Hey that’s the guy that successfully killed that failure Hitler.
Sometimes she can almost hear him calling her name and saying please let go