An Xbox player was given a year-long ban for recording nude scenes in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Any clips you record on your Xbox are uploaded to Microsoft’s servers by default and may be automatically flagged as explicit content, as /u/Daddy-Vegas on Reddit found out when he automatically received a combined 390 day (4+21+365) suspension from Xbox Live for three clips he recorded.
His first appeal was apparently rejected, but subsequent appeals led to his ban being lifted after the gaming press picked up the story.
That’s dumb as shit, why does Microsoft even allow mature games on their platform if their platform doesn’t allow mature content. Sure, record blood and guts, but dont show a nipple or a penis unless it’s exploding in a shower of gore!!! What a fucking disgusting standard we have that gore and violence are celebrated but anything sexual, even simple nudity is some kind of felony offense.
Thank the Christians
No, I don’t think I will.
Yeah they’re real hypocritical dick heads
console ownership looks like a worse option everyday. Fuck microsoft also
You don’t really own a console. Just look what happened to Sony owners and the content they paid hard earned money for on their consoles. Microsoft and Nintendo are not outliers here. The PCMR “weirdness” the guy above was complaining about is also not walled off from this bullshit. Thanks to Microsoft.
However PCs have a solid chance with gaming becoming more and more embraced by the Linux community.
it’s worth remembering that this is just an xbox thing, the pc master race weirdness isn’t needed
edit, just to ask you to be better lemmy community, we’ve totally lost everything that was good about this place and now it’s just become a mirror of modern reddit.
i know this falls on deaf ears, and just causes more people to press the angry down button immediately, but all I ask is that you try to be better and foster a better community.
Criticises somebody by claiming their point is just “pc master race weirdness”, an implication which usually means they’re behaving in a narrow minded, arrogant way
Then proceeds to make a 2 paragraph edit requesting everyone else who’s downvoted their negative behaviour behave as a better community (doubling down on being patronising, I’ll call it)
Very hypocritical, absolutely hilarious, and not self aware at all
usually means they’re behaving in a narrow minded, arrogant way
nope not saying that, that’s something you made up. I said pc master race weirdness, where everything not pc is described as being inferior to the goal, which is pc only.
this kind of thing kills communities, and breeds the hivemindness you see on reddit. I don’t’ care about the downvotes because literally they mean nothing on lemmy. I care that this community has drastic shifted to the hivemind circlejerk you find on reddit in the past few weeks/months. And that this is a good example of it playing out.
I know you won’t like this and we’ll get right back on pressing the angry no button immediately, that’s a thing. But I’m hoping the people here can sit back and try to understand that the weirdo reddit stuff, i don’t know, do we have to spread it here? it just sucks to see.
Interesting to see you view a hivemind when in fact it’s just the actual community disagreeing with your negative attitude and behaviour.
Did you mean “pc master race weirdness” in the non-existent positive constructive way? I didn’t make anything up, I attributed an implication to your words from the way they’re usually used.
You’re the problem you are arguing against and are too defensive and narrow minded to simply admit it
I am not a pc masterrace guy, Something as simple as online gaming getting put behind a subscription is not okay and I will not pretend it is. Console experiences are highly curated by the corporations controlling them, you don’t own your device. This is mostly true for windows and mac users too. I am not a pc fan I am a console hater, and maybe a little bit of a linux cultist.
Lol, Microsoft absolutely did not need to spend time making this ‘feature’ and now they get a bunch of bad press for its existence
The great porn firewall is coming if the religious get their way. All these companies are getting ahead of it JIC.
I guess if he disabled auto upload captures to Xbox live he wouldn’t have been banned. Microsoft wouldn’t dare ban players for captures they only keep locally.
Still this is a huge fuckup from Microsoft, I hope they reverse this.
I got banned for using the looking for group tool to find help for a boss in elden ring last year. I think the post title was “astel, star friend”.
Considering how offensive this was, in retrospect it’s amazing that the ban only lasted a few hours (/s)
Huh. I wonder what will happen if you do the same on PC.