Voices of the Void.
Oh, wait. It’s free right now??? Go get it!
Hi, there!
I was born in 1989, so I am an ancient grandpa and demand respect for my lawn. (/s ya right like I own a house)
(P.s. I am not a sexy hairy ripped daddy bear, but I do own a cat named Tammy 🐈⬛)
Voices of the Void.
Oh, wait. It’s free right now??? Go get it!
He died in hs. I was in college. It was years later. Thanks for saying I’m basically retarded or a straight up terrible human because of a short post on the internet about Facebook.
You are the reason i left Facebook. I’ll just block you here on lemmy.
Deleted my Facebook in my freshman year of college in 2006 because a terrible person from my hs died from a drug overdose. I posted something like “death is sad but he was not a good person and i won’t miss him” and got jumped on by a bunch of people i already thought were annoying, so i said “fuck this whole website”. It was still when you needed to be in a school to join.
It’s been a crazy ride all these years watching all the terrible things that Facebook does, and people just keep using it. Helped elect trump. Steals and launders art. Takes advantage of all your data. Fosters terrorism and crimes. Just a huge shit hole. “but it has its own built in craigslist!” 🙄😒
Sick Sad World from Daria. I’d love that show
My 300$ earbuds can play two sources at once. But an uncompressed signal? Fuck yourself.
They are laundering the creative works of humans. That’s it. The end. They are laundering machines for art. They should be treated and legislated as such.
I stupid. Is there somewhere that says everything this does?
The paramount+ app doesn’t even know how to properly hide the pause icon after you hit resume ffs. It’s been months.
Iunno, man. If you ask me, they’re just laundering emotions. Not producing any new or interesting feelings. There is no empathy, it’s only a mirror. But I hope you and your AI live a long happy life together.
I played Beavis and Butthead in Virtual Stupidity, 1995 last time i streamed to nobody
Well said. “Art launderers” is the best ai descriptor I’ve come across so far.
I know this is the exact opposite of what you want in a sense, but with a little fiddling you can make the highest definitions of TVs look pretty crappy and old with fancy emulator settings. I had a friend with so many scan line and fuzzy plugins and crt color abberation and flicker fakers installed, i swear it was basically the same thing visually
No! But now i have a new place i wanna visit 😁
Honestly I’d sooner try to fundraise and find a way to hire a person to actually do the job way before I’m going to start taking 5 minutes at every single trip to fill out information. The idea of community made data sets like this is very utopic and nice, but if you ask me it’s asking a lot. After all, everybody can edit Wikipedia to make it a better place too, but everybody knows there’s only a handful of dedicated Wikipedia gurus.
They’re going to have another one, too.
I uninstalled OSM fast after it drove me to the second closed location
I have had nothing but great experience from Parsec. It’s gaming intended, but works perfectly for simple remote desktop use as well. Very low latency. Can start when windows boots, so you can even sign in remotely if you need to restart. Free
I’m so surprised people have specific buttons? Is there a reason? I just mash my whole hand at the keyboard
“Counter-protesting” things like george floyd always blows my mind. It’s like booing if someone tells you they beat cancer.