Look at the sheer scale and number of massive, malicious mistakes that one of our billionaires makes, while having ZERO impact on their tangible quality of life or lifestyle. None. Their ego score goes down and nothing else changes. The people they laid off suffer, never them.
Remember that when some pro-market capitalism class traitor nitwit inevitably tries to shame struggling people for daring to get a latte, eat Avacado toast, or get an education based on learning and growing as a person rather than solely insatiable greed.
People in the little club basically have to rape dozens of people to finally be permitted to fail, like Harvey Weinstein.
You aren’t poor because of “your bad decisions,” you’re poor because of a relatively small, insatiably greedy, powerful group of people that demand and expect almost all of the capital value your effort produces to go directly to them.
Wasn’t the Twitter buyout for a significant portion of his wealth that he like, claimed he didn’t even have?
All those people say things like “well they’re risking their wealth!” he seems to be a pretty good example of someone who “risked a lot of their wealth”, objectively fucked up and should have lost at least most of it, and has come out essentially unscathed.
If you can collosally fuck up a whole company, and your wealth doesn’t even move, what are you even risking? At all?
Look at the sheer scale and number of massive, malicious mistakes that one of our billionaires makes, while having ZERO impact on their tangible quality of life or lifestyle. None. Their ego score goes down and nothing else changes. The people they laid off suffer, never them.
Remember that when some pro-market capitalism class traitor nitwit inevitably tries to shame struggling people for daring to get a latte, eat Avacado toast, or get an education based on learning and growing as a person rather than solely insatiable greed.
People in the little club basically have to rape dozens of people to finally be permitted to fail, like Harvey Weinstein.
You aren’t poor because of “your bad decisions,” you’re poor because of a relatively small, insatiably greedy, powerful group of people that demand and expect almost all of the capital value your effort produces to go directly to them.
Wasn’t the Twitter buyout for a significant portion of his wealth that he like, claimed he didn’t even have?
All those people say things like “well they’re risking their wealth!” he seems to be a pretty good example of someone who “risked a lot of their wealth”, objectively fucked up and should have lost at least most of it, and has come out essentially unscathed.
If you can collosally fuck up a whole company, and your wealth doesn’t even move, what are you even risking? At all?
Another part of being a billionaire is saying you have it when it’s prudent, and saying you don’t when it’s not.
He sold a few shares to get the money, besides also taking up loans and gifts from others in his billionaire club.
The only reason it’s still alive is because we’ve got an election in 10 months