It’s just because history only remebers the good songs and artists. The 70’s and 80’s were full of derivative crap too but most of it got forgotten. Theres also just more artists nowadays, so the repetitive shit is more prevalent
I was explaining this to someone the other day who thought modern rap was all trash whereas the 90s and 2000s were all gold. I explained there are thousands of moderately successful acts from those decades we’ve just forgotten when remembering the few dozen names we call great.
I didn’t get it
It’s a Ramones reference
Oh you kids today with your Taylor Swifts and your Doja Cats and your I can’t come up with the name of a third modern musician…
They were a band in 1974… doesn’t make us a bunch of kids. Milenials are in there 30s and 40s now dude.
They lasted till 1996 though. You can be a millenial who was 15 when the Ramones broke up.
I’m a millennial and have listened to the ramones my entire life, they aren’t exactly irrelevant to my generation. Punk is forever!
Not the miracle.
I am a millennial and all the alt rock radio stations by me played this song in the 90s/ 2000s.
Did the radio also show you how the bandmembers look like?
Beyonce. Rihanna (reminds me of rhinitis). Dua Lipa. BTS.
I shit on modern music sounding all the same but I somehow (subconsciously) picked very different sounds.
It’s just because history only remebers the good songs and artists. The 70’s and 80’s were full of derivative crap too but most of it got forgotten. Theres also just more artists nowadays, so the repetitive shit is more prevalent
I was explaining this to someone the other day who thought modern rap was all trash whereas the 90s and 2000s were all gold. I explained there are thousands of moderately successful acts from those decades we’ve just forgotten when remembering the few dozen names we call great.
I only learned the name ‘Doja Cat’ yesterday and thought it would be fun to use it since I had an opportunity…