When I was a kid, my mom was usually pretty laid back. But, if we were being smart asses, I’m pretty sure she could have reached us from halfway across the room.
Most babies turn head down in the last few weeks- a typical pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. At 30 weeks like in the picture the baby would probably still be in a head up position.
Is this…not…how it is?
No. The baby is usually facing down and is much smaller than that. Also, most women don’t have elastigirl arms.
When I was a kid, my mom was usually pretty laid back. But, if we were being smart asses, I’m pretty sure she could have reached us from halfway across the room.
Most babies turn head down in the last few weeks- a typical pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. At 30 weeks like in the picture the baby would probably still be in a head up position.
Yes, but this clearly depicts the baby straight up chillin’ waiting for somebody to load up his right arm with a beer. So…
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