18 years old, already on bail for hacking Nvidia, under police protection at a hotel with his laptop confiscated, then hacked Rockstars slack with a firestick and TV! Epic.
Only problem is these lapsus$ kids were Giant, GIANT fucking assholes - taunting people in slack, fucking with employees, deleting shit just for laughs, etc - they were trolls with real maliciousness. The kind of shit 4chan would be really proud of. I’m not saying lock the guy up for life though, but they were all absolutely horrible and the damage they did was really stupid (for example they would ransomware someone’s data, then not decrypt it after the ransom was paid - even other criminal cyber gangs didn’t like them lol). They are probably the worst lulz group in recent memory
Still kids who shouldn’t have any power against an imperium like nvidia. Instead of admitting theis security flaws, smash a kid like a fly.
2 things - security is very hard, and these companies are not the prison keepers. The kid himself must really be pissing everyone off around him and digging his own hole. Plenty of examples of cyber criminals in the prison system, but the biggest asshole seems to somehow have gotten himself locked up indefinitely
I know how hard security is, but if a kid without a PC can hack you, you are definitely doing something wrong.
Imagine if a kid could hack military systems. The war in Ukraine would end instantly.
Good thing all the meaty nuclear stuff is airgapped and runs on floppies 🤣
Funny way of saying locked up for life.
Is this guy actually a danger to society to the extent that he needs to be in a padded room forever?
They mention him getting violent with them, but if you’re being locked up like this against your will, won’t you fight back with every ounce of fortitude you have? Don’t ever let your captors beat your spirit.
I wonder if some of this is about the money. This guy is costing very rich powerful people a lot of money, it would be a sound investment to pay a largeish sum to the right people to have him removed from society forever, to save money down the line.
I have no idea what’s true and what isn’t, this just seems a little fishy is all. Who knows.
A mental health assessment used as part of the sentencing hearing said he “continued to express the intent to return to cyber-crime as soon as possible”, adding: “He is highly motivated.”
20 Wisdom, 0 Intelligence.
Genius is punished for daring to cost a company money.
Much better headline than a previous article from yesterday stating he was sentenced to “life in prison.”