I’m legitimately confused, is he trying to hire a Nordic version of an American lobbyist?
[laugh track]
You’d think they’d hire the expert before entering the market?
They did not and it is fucking hilarious. One instance is their spokesperson admits to a jounalist they have no clue at all what is legal and what is not when it comes to getting scabs. Which they 100% tried to get. “But we are only getting swedish scabs, not foreign scabs! Oh, not allowed? Really? Ehhhh…”. Then a letter gets leaked by one of Teslas lobbyists trying to suck up to the minister of labour market (thats a literal translation, not sure what its called in english), and its all like “I dare wish for a short audience with you sire”, basically. Cringe stuff. The minister of labour markets is the party leader of the liberal party, and has the backbone of a bacteria, celebrates working with the far right now because that gives him a minister post. Weakest liberal in the world, and he fucking ignores the letter. Hahahha
It’s perfectly legal to hire scabs in Sweden BTW. Frowned upon, but legal.
Any source? I want to read more.
The interview with the spokesperson: https://da.se/2023/10/teslas-svar-om-strejkbrytare-ar-det-verkligen-olagligt-att-flytta-personal-inom-landet/ On the lobbyist: https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/l3PQdM/tesla-forsokte-paverka-regeringen-via-mejl
I mean Twitter currently only has one site reliability engineer so being prepared is clearly not a priority for Musk.
I very badly want this to be true, but I simply cannot imagine it. I think my company might have more SREs than Twitter has employees, but I cannot see how they could do global ops like that. Or even just California ops.
If this sounds familiar, it’s because something similar happened in March, taking down links and images across timelines for around an hour. Twitter blamed that on an “internal change that had some unintended consequences” before Platformer reported the bug occurred because of a mistake by the site’s single remaining site reliability engineer, who was operating solo after Musk instituted massive layoffs.
It was true in March at least.
He looks like a poorly aged Squall Leonhart in that thumbnail.
Yet somehow manages to be even more cringe than Squall, which is quite the achievement.
What does a WWE like standoff even mean. Is Roman Reigns going to run in with a steel chair?
So funny watching rich people use poor people’s money against them.